Types of emails sent to Followers of Blog

  • My Question is that I noticed WordPress sends out different types of emails to followers of their blogs. One lists the entire post on the email while another one from another blog will list only the first paragraph of the post and then say ‘To read more click here’. I would like the email sent to my followers to be the one that only lists only the first paragraph of the post and then requires them to click to the blog to read more. My Dad, who is one of the followers to my blog, said that the email notifications to my blog used to work that way, but now they have changed and list the entire post in the email. How can I change it back? I’ve noticed from email notifications of blogs that I follow some of them still only list the first paragraph and not the whole post in the email, why is there that difference?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Go to Settings->General and select that your RSS feed should only contain a snippet. That will do it. Might be under Settings->Reading instead.

  • I went to both Settings>General and to Setings>Reading and did not see any option for RSS feed, or snippets. I did see something that said ‘For each article in a feed, show’ and then it gave me two options of ‘Full Text’ or ‘Summary’. Is that the same thing? Should I just choose the Summary option there?

  • Ditto, wintri – except I can’t even see the ‘For each article in a feed, show’ option that you found. :( Really want to change this setting!!

    I hope WP isn’t shovelling this choice under the carpet… I loved WP, before taking a blog break a couple of years ago, and now even the forums don’t seem as helpful as they used to be. Please don’t say my sinking feeling is justified…

  • Is that the same thing? Should I just choose the Summary option there?


    Go here > Settings > Reading
    scroll down to this:
    Syndication feeds show the most recent items
    For each article in a feed, show
    __Full text

    click “save changes” after you select “summary”

  • Got it! Right in front of my eyes all along… :oops:
    Thanx :)

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