Type of WebServer of WordPress?

  • I have just started a blog, and purchased a domain name from Namecheap.com.

    I got a free SSL Certificate with the purchase of my domain name, and am trying to apply it to my new blog. But in registering the SSL Certificate it says WHAT TYPE OF WEB SERVER will you be using this certificate on?

    I emailed Namecheap.com and they said that WordPress has to be contacted on what type of web server is used? I was told Apache 2 is the type used primarily on most sites…. But since I’m new to this whole world of blogging and website design, I’m a bit lost. Any help???

    Thank you

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • WordPress.com uses nginx web server.

  • @plastikmonstarrs there’s no way to use your own SSL certificate with a WordPress.com blog.

  • There is already a SSL certificate used with wordpress.com blogs and there is an option in the dashboard of each blog to use HTTPS versus just HTTP for the admin if you so decide.


  • The HTTPS option in the dashboard is for dashboard pages only (such as yourblogname.wordpress.com). There is not a way to setup SSL for a custom domain mapped to a WordPress.com blog.

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