Type changes to bold after publishing post

  • Hi all, I was wondering if anyone could please help.

    My site’s posts look just fine in preview/edit mode. But after they’re published, all of the type becomes bold—though the type is normal thickness in preview (even after publishing). I have looked everywhere for a reason for this but can’t seem to find it. All of the text is thickened, with the normal type becoming bold and any bold type becoming heavy bold. It looks icky.

    I’m using Canard and writing in Japanese with my base font being Kosugi Maru.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    All of the text is thickened, with the normal type becoming bold and any bold type becoming heavy bold. It looks icky.

    If the font becomes thicker after you set it as bold, it means it wasn’t displaying as bold before, if that makes sense. Have you checked if the same happens when using a different font?

  • Thank you for replying.

    Changing to other fonts produces the same result.

    I’m not sure if I’ve described the situation clearly. All of the text looks fine, exactly as I want it, in editing/preview mode. After it’s published, all type on the live blog site appears in one step heavier bold. Normal to bold, bold to heavy bold, etc. If I edit a published post, it appears normal, as I described. So, editing/preview mode and published posts look totally different and that is consistent across all posts.

  • Hello there,

    Many thanks for that clarification and extra information there.

    The theme uses the font: Kosugi Maru – https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Kosugi+Maru, which doesn’t have any font weights.

    When in the editor, the browser is using a system font (BlinkMacSystemFont) which does have the capability to change fonts.

    It wouldn’t be possible to change fonts for this theme without the use of a plugin, whereby the business plan would be required.

    Out of curiosity, I think the font when viewing posts looks ok – is there something in particular that doesn’t quite work? We can look into channeling this into feedback to the themes team.

    I hope this is all useful thus far.

  • Thank you. I appreciate the help.

    I can’t seem to post photos here, which would best illustrate the differences I see.

    I’m not sure I follow everything mentioned. I see that Kosugi Maru doesn’t have font weights visible here, yet basically all Japanese fonts normally have weights, and Kosugi Maru here, weights or no, does show added weight in for published posts. If you look closely, you can see the difference in thickness between section headings (which use bold in the editor) and regular type.

    It’s like there’s some sort of hidden switch that adds weight to all text in published form.

    As far as its current appearance, I’ve let it go for the last couple of months since I haven’t been able to fix it. It’s readable, but the heavy black type really isn’t fit for a blog. I want to change it—or at least have it appear as it’s supposed to. That thick black type is okay for headers and the like, but not for paragraphs.

    I’m a bit puzzled where you say it’s not possible to change fonts with the Canard theme. Going to Customize in the Appearance menu, then selecting Fonts, I have some 25 or 30 fonts to choose from. I haven’t added any plugins related to fonts as far as I can tell. As my blog is in Japanese, I would think I’ll need a Japanese font or two at least, and there are a couple in that list.

    On a side note, as I’m not sure if it’s relevant, when I have Japanese text and go to change fonts, I can select a non-Japanese font. Most of the time, it seems the type gets displayed in an unspecified default font (it doesn’t change to nonsense characters or anything), and if I switch between non-Japanese fonts, the text does not appear to change form (well, for most of the non-Japanese fonts).

    If possible, I’d like to use Kosugi Maru because I prefer the feeling of maru fonts (they have more curviness and appear softer and friendlier than gothic and other fonts).

    For the time being, I’ve switched to PT Sans. It is still heavier than normal, but at least it’s less thick than Kosugi Maru. The published blog still displays everything in heavier type, so this doesn’t resolve the question of why everything is given another layer of bold on the live blog.

  • Hi! With some newer themes, the editor will show the same font as the theme itself.

    But that’s not the case with the theme you’re using: the editor uses just a system font, while the theme (on the live site) uses another font.

    While many popular fonts have many weights, this one doesn’t. It just has 400:

    I’d recommend looking through all of the available fonts in Customizer to see if there are any others that suit you better. I didn’t find others with rounded ends, but several of them did just display a system font as far as I could tell, so it would look more like the editor.

  • Thank you. I think that clarifies things for me. The edit/preview and the theme (actual published blog) don’t correspond exactly because of system font and chosen font differences. Now it is clear there is no hidden problem. Thank you.

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