Two columns in Categories, Oxygen theme.

  • Can I split the list of posts into two columns on a category page like this one ?

  • Since you only have one post on that page, I worked off the Oxygen demo page and it looks like there may be additional changes you will have to make, but this will give you a start. I’ve used a media query to limit the following to browsers/windows 600px and wider, which is when the tablet/phone design kicks in. Below that point, keeping things in two columns makes the content too hard to read and navigate.

    @media screen and (min-width: 600px) {
    .category .hentry {
        clear: both;
        display: inline-block;
        margin-right: 20px;
        width: 45%;
    .category .hentry.clear-fix:after {
        display: inherit;
    .category .entry-header {
        width: 90%;
    .category .entry-summary {
        float: left;
        width: 90%;
  • Aw man, that’s great.

    I posted a test post in ‘film analysis’ so now there’s two thumbnails but there’s a problem. It seems as if it aligns the height of the thumbnail box based on the bottom line of the title and not based on the image. How do I fix that?

    Also, a side question: how do I easily justify and limit the content/margin area on separate posts? As you can see the TEST post is unrestricted on the right. I remember I used some line for the other two posts I got there but I specified the postID and I don’t wanna have to do that for each post.

  • You know, this is going to take me a bit to figure out. This works on my test site, so perhaps there is something in your CSS causing the issue. I do see a few things we should correct as the #primary and #content divs are extending out past the right border of #page.

  • Let me know if you figure something out, in the meantime I’ll keep looking.

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