Twitter Timeline Widget

  • Hi, hope you can help.

    I have installed the Twitter timeline widget on the widgets page of my blog. I have gone to the ‘visibility’ tab and put it on 3 specific pages that have all worked. However, I am trying to get the widget to show up on my homepage/default landing tab/posts page, and I can’t get it to show up. Within visibility I have clicked on ‘show’ if ‘page’ is ‘posts page’, but this hasn’t worked.

    Please help!



    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    Was wondering if anybody at wordpress could pick this up for me please?



  • Two things:

    Twitter Timeline:
    If you move it to the Available widgets area (which will erase all settings from the widget) and then add it back to the sidebar and reconfigure it with your twitter widget ID, does it then show up on your front/home page?

    Not Twitter:
    Navigating back to your front/home page is difficult since the header image you’ve used doesn’t link back (I guess the text in the original header is the link) and there is no link in the nav bar at the top. You might want to consider adding it to the menu.

  • Hi, thanks for the advise.

    I tried removing the widget and reapplying as you suggested, but unfortunately this hasn’t helped. I have the same issue that it appears on ‘about me’, ‘links’ and ‘contact’ pages, but not on the posts page. Any other ideas?

    Regarding your second point – I noticed this issue myself, but wasn’t sure how to add a ‘home’ tab to the top? Or how to make the headerimage link back to homepage?

    Hope you/anyone else can help



  • oK- Two answers :)

    Twitter timeline:
    On my test site I just changed to Piano Black and added the twitter timeline widget to the sidebar with no further modifications, such as visibility. It appears in the sidebar on each page where there is a sidebar.

    Custom Header:
    Apparently removing the Header Text in Piano Black, which of course would be the normal thing to do if your Custom Header includes text, also disables the link back to the front of your site.

    I’m tagging this for Staff for their input, because as far as I know, removing the header text should not disable the link.

    If for some odd reason this is the way Piano Black is supposed to work, you can create a Custom Menu to replace the existing one, which can include a link back to the front/home page. Here are the instructions:

  • Twitter Timeline:
    What are the Visibility rules that you have added, exactly?

  • Let me make one further suggestion about the Twitter Timeline Widget.

    It looks to me like you want the widget to appear everywhere there is a sidebar on your site. Since the sidebar will not appear on full-width pages (Your Lessons, Studio Showreel and Live pages) delete the visibility rules you have added completely and then resave the widget.

    If that doesn’t work, please post back here.

    Still hoping for some Staff assistance concerning the missing “home” link when the header text is removed.

  • Hi,

    Ok so your idea of removing all visibility options worked, thank you so much! It now shows up on all pages with a side bar, including home/posts page as you said.

    I’ll try out the custom menu now, as we haven’t heard anything regarding the header image linking back



  • Apparently removing the Header Text in Piano Black, which of course would be the normal thing to do if your Custom Header includes text, also disables the link back to the front of your site.

    Hi there, thanks for pointing this out! I am checking with our theme team to see if this is intended behavior for the Piano Theme. (Right now, only the site title links to the front page of your site — if you remove the header text it removes the link to the front page.)

  • @rachelmcr – While I haven’t tested absolutely every single theme on (certainly not the Premium themes) when a theme has a Custom Header with the ability to remove the the header text, the header area should be the link, not the header title IMNSHO.

    Thanks for checking. Will be curious to hear the reply from the Theme Team.

  • @justjennifer – I heard back from the theme team about this. With the Piano Black theme, it is a theme feature not to have the header image link to the home page when the header text is disabled.

    I know that’s different from how many other themes work, but in this case I agree with your advice to use a custom menu to create a link to the home page. Cheers!

  • @rachelmcr – Thanks for checking. That’s a shame. Perhaps something should be added to the Piano Black showcase page about when using a Custom Header one should also use a Custom Menu.

  • @justjennifer – Thanks for the suggestion! I added a little blurb about this under Custom Appearance on the Piano Black showcase page:

  • In the past few days, my Twitter timeline refuses to work. I have moved it to Available settings and then reapplied it to various position in my three columns, and refreshed the ID. Nothing. On each occasion, the only indication I have of its presence on the site are the words ‘My Tweets’ in red.

    It is causing a little bit of frustration. Any thoughts.

    Many thanks.

  • @nec49opc63 – This sounds like a different issue than the one discussed here. Can you please start a new forum thread with your question? Thanks!

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