Twitter 'Share This' missing count with HTTPS

  • I’ve noticed recently that whenever I’m logged in, I am by default set to HTTPS (even though I don’t have the ‘Always use HTTPS when visiting administration page’ enabled in the personal settings page). Not sure when that changed.

    The weird thing is that the ‘Share this’ for Twitter now does not have the counts of how many Tweets unless I switch to HTTP – I suppose because the URL is only tweeted as HTTP and the plugin doesn’t sort out whether it is HTTP or HTTPS? Incidentally, Facebook seems fine.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi Alex,

    Yes, we switched to all traffic within our Dashboard requiring SSL encryption a while ago. In regard to your Twitter count, I’ve been trying to replicate the same thing on my own test sites but I’ve been unable to. Where can I see that happening on your site, and can you give me any special steps you’re taking in order to replicate what you’re seeing?

    Thanks in advance!

  • Thanks for your comments!

    If you are switching over everything to SSL, it’s probably worth taking that option off the personal settings since it is now useless.

    Anyhow, for tests you can see:

    Simon Chan’s Grassroots Asian Theology – A Book Review


    Simon Chan’s Grassroots Asian Theology – A Book Review

    The first one you will see a count of 3 with Twitter while the second one has no count for Twitter. The only difference between the two URLs is the http(s).

  • You will also note that the Facebook count is the same in both.

    To be honest, it is probably something which should be fixed in the Twitter API, but I wasn’t sure if it was also something that could be fixed on the WP side as well.

  • I’ve put this in front of our developers, but it sounds like Twitter may differentiate between http and https and so is counting your hits differently (whereas FB isn’t). It’s something that will require a bit of testing and would almost certainly require a fix on their part.

    Either that or something is going awry just with your account. Either way, we’re taking a look!

    In either case, thanks very much for letting us know about it. I’ll let you know as soon as I have any additional information for you!

  • In my tests with other URLs, I’m pretty sure it’s their API. If your developers find the same, hopefully you have better ability to contact Twitter’s developers since I have little luck.


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