Twenty Ten Theme

  • Looking for a new 2-3 column template.

    Just curious if you can change the background in the Twenty Ten Theme to black with white text please?


    Curt King

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • You can change the background strip around the very outside edges of the theme and the bottom of it to black. However, there is no click a button or upload an background image feature that allows us to change the color appearing behind the text on pages and in posts. Id that what you are referring to?

  • I’m loving Twenty Ten and the new bells and whistles that it has and I’d like to use it for one of my blogs.
    The only design flaw I see is that there is no tab for the blog aspect. To get back to the blog, users click on the header. I think this will be confusing for readers, especially if their landing page is not the main one.
    Is there a work around on this or a way to create a tab that will go back to the opening blog page?
    Thanks, Flora

  • Sure. Create a static page. Don not enter a Title or any text on it. In the title box enter this:
    <a href=""> Our Bear River Adventure</a>

  • OOPS! echo … echo … echo

  • As “our Bear River Adventure” is too long and what you really may want is “Home” or “Front page” then simply substitute one of them in the code like this:

    <a href="">Home</a>

    <a href="">FrontPage</a>

  • Thanks soooo much!!!
    Panos, your blog and information on it is amazing. Thanks too Timethief.
    The main ‘trick’ was to create a space after the word “Blog”. I am one happy camper!

    This is my ‘sandbox’ site:

  • @paintingsbyflora
    It’s lovely and your paintings are gorgeous but the front page is a mile long … lol :D You may want to limit the front page to displaying only one post. Dashboard > Settings > Reading

    Or you may want to split content using “the more” tag in your posts.

  • Thanks for the compliment….the paintings by flora is just a blog I play with, to try out themes, so I don’t really edit it.
    My actual painting blog is
    That’s the one I’m going to change.

  • @panaghiotisadam — Thank you! Your Home tab method worked.

    @demolishfanzine — you could create and upload a bit of art, black with white text in it, and set it to tile across your entire background or in a vertical strip down one side or the other. I played with a text background on my blog, but ultimately opted for a single untiled spot of color cut from the header illustration. You can what I did at

  • I have put the twenty ten theme on my blog and I think it is fantastic. I have one small problem though and have tested this using two different computers on google chrome, IE and Firefox and all are doing the same thing.

    I love the drop down menus and have been waiting for them forever (Thanks team!!) but my only problem with them is when you hover the mouse of them there is an annoying little popup that comes up.

    eg: hover over the tab Meg Leigh and a popup saying Meg Leigh comes up which then obscures the next item in the drop down menu for a few seconds.

    Is there some way to turn this off?

    Many thanks,

  • the twenty ten theme is the one i’m using too. it’s the closest to what i’d like so far – altho i’m quite new here. as discussed above, the option to place an image behind the blog text would be my next preference for this theme – or another theme. i can easily make an image close in value range and then make it light or dark or mid-value so that i could then use which ever color and value i want to contrast with the background. i’ve experimented with this elsewhere, however WP is by far the best site i’ve found for a hosted blog so i’m fine as is until this becomes an option. i’m impressed with WPs listening and encouraging of suggestions… i may not have this in the right place but it is great to be here…

  • @rickdaddario by one our few CSS Wiz volunteers in the forums. Has a few tricks up his sleeve. :)

  • @justjennifer – wow. thank you. yeah, that’s what i had in mind. i am html challenged but sometimes i can figure it out. over time i may actually get it. fun. thank you – and thank you to CSSWiz too – looks like a great blog to explore. ty.

  • There’s a couple of things about the twenty ten theme I’m finding confusing. I’m testing it on my blog: to eventually implement on my main blog

    First: I love and would love to use, but the drawbacks outweigh the positives for me.

    When someone clicks on an old post, they see the Cutline theme, not the Twenty Ten theme. Is this the way it is for all new themes? I thought Twenty Ten would overlay all the posts on my blogs.

    When I looked at the blog posts from a different computer, the pictures were on one line and the text on another. I also had problems getting it to work with Windows Live Writer.

    Does anybody know if (or even if there should be) solutions for these two things?

    I know nothing of html and really rely on you smarter folks to help!


  • hi all…have you ever wondered that there is a missing character at the tab title? While you are here, just point your mouse arrow at the tab title and it should look like this: Twenty Ten << Forums.

    However, while at your blog using the twenty ten template, the character between the Title and the Description Tag is missing…

    Can someone fix this.

  • @megleigh

    I love the drop down menus and have been waiting for them forever (Thanks team!!) but my only problem with them is when you hover the mouse of them there is an annoying little pop-up that comes up.

    I am visually challenged and I can just barely read the text on the black page tabs in Twenty Ten theme. This link hover pop-up may be important for providing accessibility to any visually impaired readers you have.

  • @frohockt

    When someone clicks on an old post, they see the Cutline theme, not the Twenty Ten theme. Is this the way it is for all new themes? I thought Twenty Ten would overlay all the posts on my blogs.

    No this is not normal theme behavior and you will need to contact Staff so they can fix it.

    When I looked at the blog posts from a different computer, the pictures were on one line and the text on another.

    Different computer operating systems and different browsers result in differences in how your blogs displays and what your describe does not sound odd to me. Text captions are located below images but if you provide a link to a post depicting this we could take a closer look at it for you.

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