Twenty Sixteen Theme can't center two images side by side

  • When I place two small images, 250×250 or 225×225, side by side in a page in Twenty Sixteen and try to center them both on the page using the Center function in the Format bar the two images center themselves vertically instead of side by side.

    Not a desirable result. I would think centering two images on a page is a common occurance in WordPress.

    Is there a plugin or something I need so I can center two small images side by side in WordPress?

    Does the problem lay in the Twenty Sixteen theme itself, and I therefor need to use Twenty Seventeen or some other default WordPress theme?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I’m using the latest version of WordPress.

  • Found out you use left align for first image and right align for second. Pretty simple when you know how. Sheesh.

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