twenty seventeen theme – remove horizontal grey lines in html table

  • How can I remove the faint horizontal grey lines in an html table? I am using theme 2017, here is a page with a table on that site to show you the problem:

    I have tried to use the following custom CSS (in the customizer) but it doesn’t work:

    .entry-content td {
    border: none;

    I have also tried:

    .entry-content table,
    .entry-content th,
    .entry-content td{

    This doesn’t work either. If you have any solution that would be great, I can’t believe something so simple can be so elusive.

    If there is a way to achieve this using just html that would be very useful, so that I can change the way an html table appears between one table and another.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi @metaceptive.

    Your site appears to be self-hosted at a hosting provider other than

    This particular forum focuses on helping with sites that are hosted directly at For help with a self-hosted WordPress site please visit the support site and forums:

    You may also find this information from the support site helpful:

    That said, you may want to start by checking any styles you have coded on this specific page/post, as they will override any style you add in the customizer.

    From there I would take a look at the table tag and properties. Something like this ought to get you closer to your desired result. Remember that using this in your customizer will apply this style to tables anywhere on your site and isn’t specific to this particular page.

    table, th, td {
        border: 0;

    You can also read more about formatting HTML tables here:

    And CSS border properties here:

    Hope that starts you off in the right direction. If you need further help the forum would be a great place to start:

    Have a great day!

  • Hi metaceptive

    Give this a go:

    tr {
        border-bottom: 0px;

    Beware … this will effect ALL Table Row borders on your site.

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