Twenty Fourteen Ephemera Trouble

  • Hello, I hope you’re having a good day.
    I used the widget Twenty Fourteen Epherema, and I used “quotes”. When I published by first blog post which had a quote in it (with the correct format) and double-checked the post format to see that “quotes” was selected, I saw that the “quotes” section displayed my entire blog post! When I checked that section in the theme example, I saw that the quote was the entire post. I only want the quote to be visible in the “quotes” section, not the entire post to be visible in the “quotes” section.
    Please help! Thank you for your time.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there – If you only want a quote displayed in the Ephemera widget, you can either:

    – Edit the post so that it contains just the quote, or,

    – Move the quote to the top of the post and add a More tag after the quote, but before the rest of the post.

    Assigning a post format in and of itself doesn’t change which content is displayed in the Ephemera widget, so it won’t automatically strip out everything except the quote.

    Let me know how it goes.

  • Thanks for the help- I tried using the more tag and it worked!

  • Lovely, glad you’re sorted!

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