Twenty Eleven Theme Top Click Links Not Fitting Page Properly

  • Hello,

    Theme: Twenty Eleven

    Widget: Top Clicks

    Hello, I am using the Twenty Eleven Theme and I noticed that some Links/URLs do not show up properly on my blog like most other themes.

    On the Top Clicks Widget, some URLs go across my theme from the body and they bleed into the background; I do not have this problem with most other themes.

    Here is a screenshot:

    Is there a way that I can fix this?

    Also, for the Twenty Eleven Comment Bubble, are there any plans on adding text to let people know to click the Comment Bubble to comment; something like Reply or Comment, etc.?

    Here is a screenshot:

    Thank you,
    -John Jr :)

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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