Twenty Eleven Random Custom Headers

  • I switched to Twenty Eleven today and I’m really loving it. I got very excited about the ability to upload multiple custom headers and then set them to “random”.
    Now I have a big problem.
    Some of the images I uploaded I want to delete or add a higher resolution photo – but I cannot find any way to permanently delete an uploaded image once it is in there. I don’t want to have to resort to a static header – I love the random feature. One of my images I uploaded is actually displaying completely BLACK, so I really HAVE to remove that one, and others are just not working well due to poor resolution and need to be replaced by a larger file. Is this a bug in your design, or Am I missing something? Can you help me find a way to remove my unwanted header images? THANKS!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • The images need to be in the exact dimensions specified by the theme (1000×288 pixels).

    To delete them you go to Media > Library.

  • OK – perfect! That worked. Thank you.

  • Found this in functions.php –
    define( ‘HEADER_IMAGE’, ‘4’ ); // Leaving empty for random image rotation.

    How do I then use it to upload multiple custom headers and then set them to “random”


  • @maitri
    I’m sorry but you are posting to the wrong support forum. We cannot help you with your WordPress.ORG install here on the forum that’s only for free hosted bloggers. runs on different software than installs run on.

    Go to the footer of your theme and locate this: “Maitri’s VatulBlog is happily powered by WordPress” then click the WordPress link. It directs to http://wordpress.ORG/ You need to post to for help with your install.
    For greater clarity read >

  • Gotcha. Thanks. I wonder why asked me to register my site earlier.

  • Best wishes for happy blogging. :)

  • I deleted my twenty eleven header by mistake, tried to activate it again and still no header. Is there a solution as I really love this theme?

  • @fbtuts: The default header image or one you had uploaded? Deleted in Media > Library or removed in Appearance > Header?

  • No, the entire header image area is gone. There was a button that said deletion was permanent, but I thought it meant of the graphics. I was trying to delete all the stock graphics so I could upload my own and choose random so it would rotate them. Now you can’t upload anything to the header.

  • @fbtuts
    Do you by chance have a CSS editing upgrade?

  • a) It would have helped if you had actually answered our questions: I didn’t ask you what’s gone from your blog page, I asked you where you were trying to delete or remove the images.

    b) The preloaded header images are completely independent of the ones you upload. If you go to Appearance > Header and upload two or more images of your own, you get a new random button for them. You click that random button, then click Save Changes, and your header will be back.

  • Thanks timethief and panaghiotisadam I uploaded a new image and indeed it was restored. I appreciate the help!

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