Tumblr import

  • I’ve been trying to import my blog for the last few days and nothing is happening.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    There are hundreds of people trying to import from Tumblr at the same time. Have you read this sticky post https://en.forums.wordpress.com/topic/tumblr-imports/ at the top of the support forums? This thread for Staff support for you as specified in that sticky post. Please be patient while waiting and do not create duplicate threads on this issue.

  • Hi TT I’m not sure that we volunteers can offer much help at the moment. 90% of the support forum (over 1200 in 5 days) has concerned tumblr import problems and I think the modlook tag is getting overused. Perhaps the people with new sites here are expecting the import to start immediately and finish within 24 hours when staff today have been checking pending imports and finding them still in the queue to even begin importing long after 24 hours have passed.

  • And I see the sticky has been amended today. The original 24 hours wait message has been crossed out and it now says:

    At this point we are unable to provide an estimate on how long it might take for queued imports to complete. Our importer is processing thousands of posts a minute, but the backlog is very big so please be patient – it might be a few days before your import will start once it’s queued.

  • Hi there,

    It looks like the import on your site has completed – some content has been imported, and no import is currently running.

    If you’re still missing posts, please restart the import now – posts already on your WordPress.com site will be skipped by the importer. It might take a while to complete, though, as we’re still seeing a lot of new Tumblr imports being created so there’s still a backlog. At this point I’m not able to give an estimate on how long it might take to catch up with the backlog, though.

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