TT’s K2 blog issues

  • @drmike
    I understand that my blog which is in the K2 theme and not the Regulus theme has some issues according to this thread I’m not clear on what they are as I don’t see any using firefox I’d appreciate help.

  • They’re seen in IE6. Let me go grab that link and I’ll list them for you. Nothing major.

  • I think it’s that picture that I mentioned that’s slightly too wide. I think it’s forcing down the sidebar.

    But the validator is mentioning a few other issues as well:

    – Your got a closing


    tag in your text 4 widget right after the community.jpg image tag.

    – Your text 1 and text 5 widgets has br tags that need to be

    <br />


    – You’re got 2 closing strong tags in the text 5 widget.

    -The validator is complaining about missing alt tags for your pics within your sidebar as well.

  • @drmike
    I think I “fixed” everything except “missing alt tags for your pics within your sidebar as well”. What the heck are they and where do they go?

  • @drmike
    boo hoo … I’m bumping my own post as I feel I’ve been forgotten :(

  • your ‘fight global warming’ badge in the sidebar is supposed to be something like:

    <a href="" title="GlobalWarming Awareness2007">
    <img src="" alt="GlobalWarming Awareness2007">
  • @sun
    Thank you. I think I “fixed” it now but as neither of us use that *coughing* IE6 browser I guess I’ll have to wait until someone who does eyeballs it and confirms.

  • TT – I had a look in IE 6 (yes, I have it – sorry, I will try to do better next time) and the sidebar commences after the last article on the main panel – all the way down. The only thing I can see that *may* be causing it is the “Altered Oceans” graphic in the sidebar – it is the only element that looks wide enough to cause an issue. The size is 226×219 – you may want to reduce the width a touch to the same size as the Dolphin graphic below it at 202×158.
    In FF on Windows XP it is displaying fine.
    If you try that I will have another look at it.

  • Thanks … off to do now and will be back soon.

  • TT,

    I’m surprised you don’t have IE just to check how your blogs look on it. I mean, I have it and that’s pretty much all I use it for (plus the rare site where something just isn’t coming through in Firefox, so I can check in IE to see if it’s a browser issue). I used to have Opera as well, but don’t now. (I figure that doesn’t matter as so few people use it.) Rarely, I also go to a site where I can see how my blog looks on Safari or some other Mac browser. You plud in the URL and it delivers a look at the site as seen through the Mac Browser.

    On my old blog (a blog) checking in IE from time to time taught me to be careful with a couple of little details that made a difference. So far on, though, I haven’t had any problems with how the blog looks in IE.

  • @ozrisk
    How does it look now?

    Got it but the problem is visible in IE6 and not in IE7 or at least that’s what I gathered. Was I wrong? How does it look now?

  • “but the problem is visible in IE6 and not in IE7 or at least that’s what I gathered.”

    Ohhhh, I skimmed a little too fast. Sorry. I have only IE7 as well. What, you don’t have every version of every browser back to Netscape 0.0? ;)

  • (1) I just checked it in my IE and it look fine to me. Do you concur?
    (2) Heck no but drmike has a real collector’s item – Mozaic.

    Firefox is superior and loads a heck of a lot faster I’m using IE right now and will be ditching it momentarily.

  • It looks fine to me in IE7.

    Mozaic? Wasn’t that from the 1970s or something? :) I think it was used back when the Web was, like, five or six physicists with computers in two or three labs.

  • Really I thought it was a wire between two beer cans back then.
    Mosaic was the first popular World Wide Web browser and Gopher client. It was reliable and easy to install, which opened the Web up to the general public.
    [1] Mosaic was the first browser to actually implement images embedded in the text, rather than displayed in a separate window.
    Mosaic was developed at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) beginning in late 1992. NCSA released the browser in 1993, and officially discontinued development and support on January 7, 1997.
    [2] However, it can still be downloaded from NCSA.
    Arggghhh! I can’t get the link up even though I can view the page in wikipedia. It appears to be linked to the wrong page … strange

  • Will someone with an IE6 browser please click on my username and let me know if the sidebar is displaying correctly in my blog please? Thanks, in advance, for your trouble.

  • @timethief,
    All fixed now. What did you change?
    [off topic]

    Thanks you make me feel really old. Mosaic was the first browser I used, to be replaced in short order by Netscape 2. First HTML coding app? Notepad.
    [/off topic]

  • And for some of us, Mosaic wasn’t the first browser we used.

    You young whipper snappers today with your Firebeaver and your IDods. Back in my day, we had to walk…

  • @ozrisk
    I reduced the size of the image that you suggested. Thanks :)

    How does one check to see if their blog validates?
    Does it really matter if it does or doesn’t?
    What effect does failure to validate have?

  • @TT: Web Standards Don’t Matter (As much as you think) XD

    @drmike: I haven’t used mosaic but I love browse with Lynx :)

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