TTL for new CNAME?

  • tldr; I switched from Google Domains to Now that I’m here, I’ve got a domain that I want to add some simple subdomains to.

    Original/parent domain is I want to add I tried adding it (and another CNAME entry) yesterday, but since the process wasn’t working at all as of this morning, I deleted and re-added it, hoping that would accomplish something.

    What’s frustrating me now is 1) I can’t set the TTL, but more importantly, 2) I can’t even SEE the TTL default time. The last information I was able to find here was that the default TTL is apparently set to 300, but that info was from about 10 years ago. Is 300 still the standard?

    I also saw that someone said whatever was “defaulted” at the previous domain name registrar might affect the TTL… is this true? And is it permanent? Or will the “default” TTL on my end ever be changed to the standard?

    I’m not regretting my move to I’d just like some solid answers/info on these questions so I know what to expect going forward, and can adjust/prepare for them so I don’t waste time constantly checking

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Ended up answering my own question… since I just transferred within the last couple of days, my domains transferred over with Google nameservers. All of that basically dropped dead today, so my transferred domains went down. Update the name servers setting to “Use name servers” for each domain, and that seems to have fixed multiple problems, including my CNAME record. Makes total sense, now that I see what went wrong. Hopefull this will help if anyone else transitioning over from Google or elsewhere happens upon the same/similar issue.

  • Good Morning –

    Thanks for the follow up. Please reach out if you need anything else. We stick close by and are happy to help.

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