Trying to tweak blog design, and RSS feed icons missing

  • Hello and thanks in advance!

    I have three problems/questions:

    1. When I updated my banner recently, the little RSS icons at the top of the page disappeared. Where’d they go and how do I get them back?

    2. I know I may be locked into a certain design (Mistylook), however is there a way to change the color of the background (the space to the right and the left of the blog)?

    3. Where is the kerning controlled? There is too much space between the letters in my headlines.

    Thanks again!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • How well do you know CSS? These are basically issues where you’d have to edit the CSS of the blog, and CSS is essentially unsupported. YOu are completely on your own once you purchase the CSS editing upgrade. You have to already know what you’re doing.

    I’m not even sure you can control the kerning WITH the CSS upgrade, no matter what your skill set.

    Not sure why your RSS icons have gone poof. There’s nothing you should be able to do which would affect them. Probably a issue.

  • You can change letter spacing with CSS, but it does not allow you to kern pairs, only the entire string of text. .

    The RSS icons have gone bye-bye because you pasted the entire CSS stylesheet into the CSS edit window which broke all the relative URL’s in the CSS.

    At wordpress.COM, you only paste the exact sections, and the exact declaration you are modifying or adding and then make sure “add to existing…” is selected. That way you don’t break the relative URL’s.

    What you will have to do is go into the CSS, determine the absolute URL of the icons, and then put those into the correct location in your CSS.

  • Thank you SacredPath,

    Maybe you can help me a bit more. I’ve found what appears to be the URL, but unclear why it is broken.

    #feedarea dl dt {

    #feedarea dl dd {
    background:url(‘img/icon_feed.gif’) no-repeat left center;

    How then do I “determine the absolute URL”?

    Thanks in advance!

  • I use the Firefox add-on called Firebug, and when active, you can go into “inpect” mode and the when you find the link, you can right click and “copy image location” and it will have the full URL.

    The absolute URL is:

    And of course the “relative” URL is: img/icon_feed.gif

  • Also, if you have pasted the entire CSS, make sure you have “start from scratch…” selected when you save. If “add to existing…” is selected, then you are in essence loading the stylesheet twice and that is not a good idea. It can have strange effects.

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