Trying to Delete My Site

  • I’m trying to delete my site and have followed all the instructions. I’ve removed all posts and keep getting the remove your upgrades message. I have done that with the exception of a premium theme. There is no way to remove it, as it ‘never expires’ and was a one time purchase. I have switched the them on my page to a free version so the premium theme is no longer being used, still can’t remove it. There is no link on the ‘Manage Purchase’ page for it or any way to remove it. Also, this is a discontinued theme.

    I just want to delete the site. Please.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey there,
    I recently saw another thread like this and I believe the premium theme is the hang-up. As that would fall into a billing matter I’ll tag this with ‘modlook’ so a staff will see this and cancel the theme for you. After that, it should (hopefully) be smooth sailing!
    Hang tight :)

  • Hi there,

    To be able to delete your site I need to delete or transfer to another user the Premium theme associated with it.

    Let me know how you want me to proceed.

  • Hi there,

    It’s a discontinued theme so you can just delete it, please and thank you. :)

  • I have successfully deleted the premium theme. You can go ahead and delete your site.

  • Thank you! And done. :)

  • You’re welcome!

    Let me know if there’s anything else I can do for you. I’m happy to help.

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