Trouble with domain

  • Hey! I’ve got a domain that i bought from, a norwegian site, that is connected to my one of my wordpress-blogs. Now, i have started a new blog and want to transfer it to the newest. Its mention on the support-site, but I can’t see what it referring too. Can somebody please help me?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there. You can transfer upgrades between blogs via the My Upgrades page:

    I’m not sure if it’s possible with custom domains, though, so if you don’t see that option for your domain, let us know in this thread which are the blogs between you need to switch the domain and staff can help you with that.

  • Thank you so much! It worked when i cancelled the renewing of the domainmapping. But now i have a DNS-problem. I can’t find the information I need for to custom it perfectly. When I’m asked to “add new DNS record” i don’t now what letter I should pick or what it should say in the “points to” area.

  • I think I’ll tag this for staff to advise you further. Please give the URLs where the domain currently is and where you want it to be, and then wait for staff to respond.

  • Hi Simon,

    Right now your domain is linked to your site with the free address here:

    You don’t need to add any other DNS records to make your domain work with your site there. :)

    Do you need to add DNS records for another purpose?

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