Trouble staying logged in when opening blogs outside of Reader

  • I’ve just started having this issue – when I click on a link in Reader/notifications to open the post in a new tab (i.e. visit the blogger’s actual website rather than in Reader), it doesn’t seem to register that I’m logged in, following them or allow me to ‘like’ their post the way I could before. All that comes up is either a pop-up window that just closes by itself before it shows anything, or it prompts me to log in (which I do) and then just refreshes the page to show that I’m not logged in.

    This staying logged-in problem is only happening with blogs that don’t have the ‘’ bit in their blog url, but those sites have never had this problem before (and they seem to function very much like WordPress sites, so perhaps are on a paid plan). However, with one site I follow that does have the ‘’ in their URL, I have had an error message when I tried to comment – but when I refreshed, my comment had already been posted. This problem seems to only be happening with Safari – with Chrome, I was having this issue for a few minutes but later when I tried again, it was fine like before. My Safari settings do not block any cookies, so I’m very confused.

  • Hi there!

    This problem seems to only be happening with Safari – with Chrome, I was having this issue for a few minutes but later when I tried again, it was fine like before.

    It’s a good thing you mentioned trying a different browser as this is just what I was going to suggest. Are you using the latest version of the browser? You can check it here: – if you could copy/paste the link to your results it would be helpful. Thanks!

  • Hi, thanks for your reply! This is what I have from the browser website:

    It says my browser is up to date. Currently it’s still a bit funny on Safari but my Chrome seems to be fine.

  • Try enabling Javascript on that browser.

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