Triton Lite: Home page display

  • I’d appreciate a little help with my home page. It no longer displays correctly. I’m using Triton Lite as my theme, and typically a thumbnail image with a small amount of text is followed by a “continue reading” button and a light gray divider line before the next thumbnail image representing the next post. Typically, everything is spaced uniformly. However, now all the images are shifted up slightly and layer on top of the gray divider line and any text above them. It makes the home page cluttered and confusing. I’m not sure how this happened and I’ve tried viewing in different browsers and it’s the same.

    Any ideas? Is there something I can do to fix this so the home page returns to its uniform layout without images and graphics layering on top of one another?


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I see the issue in Chrome 33/Mac, while it’s OK in Firefox 27.

    I’ll have our developers take a look and we’ll keep you posted on a fix.

  • Thank you! I appreciate it.

    Just for reference – I see it in all three browsers I try:
    Firefox 27.0.1/mac
    Safari 7.0.2/mac
    Chrome 33.0.1750.146/mac

  • Thanks a lot. I was also able to see the issue in Firefox when I reloaded the page. I’ll let you know when I have news!

  • Hi there,

    I’ve made a fix to the Triton Lite theme that should resolve this issue. Please let us know if it happens again.

  • Thank you very much!

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