Transparent border in bouquet theme

  • Hello everybody,

    In these days I have worked a lot to customize the layout of my theme, which is the bouquet one. Here is the link to my blog: There are two problems I would like to solve when customizing it:

    1) The white borders must become transparent, disappearing at all;
    2) The text of my posts must be white.

    I am unable to solve the first problem. I have tried to solve it by using CSS, but nothing has really worked so far.
    Regarding the second issue, there are some problems when using the customize-panel provided by When I set the white text, the search area above the secondary wrapper, as well as the entry-date, change color, although I wanted them to be black (or transparent).

    Here is my CSS:

    /* Set alpha for entire page */
    div#page { background: transparent;}
    header#masthead { background: transparent;}
    /* Set alpha for content area */
    div#content { background: transparent;}
    /* Set alpha for the page title--below the masthead */
    #content > div.hero.without-featured-image{
    background: transparent;
    #featured {
        background-color: transparent;
    #main #secondary {
    	background: transparent;
    #text {

    I have no experience at all dealing with CSS customization: the codes above were taken from different topics from people who have had the same problems I have had.

    Thank you in advance for your help. Big hugs from Italy.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi Carla

    Are you wanting to completely remove the white borders?

  • Yes, if possible. Or to make them completely transparent.

  • Hi Carla,

    This should get rid of your borders:

    #main .widget-area,
    .entry-date {
    	border: none;

    Let me know if it works! :)



  • Oh my God… Michael…

    THANK YOU!!!

    You are my saviour, my hero, my… my best counselor :-)
    Thank you so much for helping out.
    Big hugs,


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