transparent audio player

  • I like the ease of the audio player, but hate the way it looks with the ChaoticSoul theme. Can it be made transparent, so that it looks better with themes with dark backgrounds? (a bit slimmer would be cool, too)

  • The best bet would be to send in a feedback about it through your admin area. The way most flash players work with color is not through a style sheet, so they more difficult to change. Asking staff about it (as we can’t see the code for it) should be able to clear things up for you.


  • did you ever get this resolved. i have the same question as you. it just does not look so good with chaotic soul.

  • Please read the post immediately above your own. The procedure for making the request is to send a feedback to staff including your reasons for making the request.

  • Guess it didn’t get resolved as you’re having a problem, right? ;)

    Agreed. It’s always a good idea to follow the suggestion made within a thread.

  • time theif and dr. mike i do not understand either of your responses. dr.mike, just because i am having a problem, does not mean that comparedtowhat did not get the problem resolved. so i thought i would ask. guys, i thought the forums were for asking questions and getting help from other users – so people would not automatically bother the moderators with personal requests and feedback. i guess i am wrong. i was just asking if the issue got resolved. sorry to bother you! if my question does not fit in this thread, by all means…erase it. i love the condescending responses i get everytime people ask questions… around here.

  • thistimethisspace · Member ·

    IMO you are taking the view that there is an issue to be resolved. Perhaps this is not the same view held by wp managment and staff.

    The way to request that a transparent audio player that looks well on this theme be created and made available to yourself and others is to send a feedback to staff. The feedback button is on the top right hand corner of your admin side blog pages. You click it and then you type into the pane that appears to tell the powers that be what you want and why.

    Moderators and Volunteers cannot make this happen for you.

    I don’t understand why are you acting like they can make this happen for you when they can’t. And I don’t understand how being judgmental and unkind towards them can help your cause.

  • ok, maybe i was using the wrong word in “issue”. i was just wondering if the first blogger found a way to have a transparent player. i am not requesting that anyone go out of their way for me to make this happen.

  • If people find a solution to their issues, they usually mark the thread Resolved and post the solution, if it’s not already in the thread. TT, Dr Mike, and TTTS have told you what you need to do to help this happen, so follow their advice.

  • From the looks of his blog the first blogger did not find a way to make the player transparent.
    I assume he or she sent in a feedback. I also assume that if such an inovation had taken place we all would have read Matt announcing it in the blog.

  • cool, thats all i wanted to hear

  • Okay … ummm you’re welcome.

  • This topic pinged my blog today, so I guess I should give feedback. I got busy getting my site up and forgot. I took trent’s advice and gave feedback to staff. I heard back from Mark on June 12 saying “We are looking to add flexibility to the displays. It’s on our todo list”. I’ve not heard anything since – I assume it would be announced to everyone if there was a change. I don’t know if this counts as “resolved” as far as the norms of this board goes. So I’m leaving it as is until better informed.

  • @comparedtowhat
    Thanks for returning to this thread and sharing the update with us all. :)
    Im’ sure that a transparent player that actually fits in the sidebar would be appreciated.

  • did you try changing the code?

  • Angellust, perhaps I should tell you that since your blog was rated NSFW, your username no longer links to it. It won’t, as long as your blog is rated Mature, because WordPress staff don’t want people publicizing those blogs in the forum.

    I just thought you should know that.

  • I like the idea… and now the sliding player doesn’t seem to work on my end. Perhaps someone is trying to fix it?

  • can you get music players from other websites such as project playlist and place them on your blog page?

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