Translating parts of my blog

  • Hi.

    I’m real simple and don’t know much about computers and all these things here. However, I am very interested about this blog thing. My problem is:

    I want to translate the layout of my blog into Finnish, but when I go the the translate section it gives me thousands of things to translate and it never ends! So in the end I find myself logging out all frustrated, since I didn’t get anything done and didn’t see an end coming to the words. Am I doing something wrong here? All I want to translate is the date in the posts, the “posted in” thing at the bottom and all the other stuff that comes up when you read a post, close a post and maybe write a comment. I don’t really need the forums and all that right now…Please help me with this.


  • I believe the best thing for you to do in this case is to send in a feedback message from the top right hand corner of your dashboard including the link to this forum message. I’m advising this because I don’t think any bloggers on the forum can help you. Best wishes for a positive outcome.

  • “it gives me thousands of things to translate and it never ends! “
    It’s a very big task… and every contribution is welcome.

  • i thought there was no posible way to edit you blog.

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