Transferring Stats to .Org Site

  • Hello!

    I migrated from to back in 2019. The existing stats transferred over at the time, but I am no longer seeing them. I know we recently had an issue with the site where all of our subscribers were deleted, but someone from Jetpack was able to help us recover them. This might be related to that?

    Is there any way I can recover those sites and add them to the site?

    Thanks! Unknown
    Jetpack: Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi @tippenst ,

    I know we recently had an issue with the site where all of our subscribers were deleted, but someone from Jetpack was able to help us recover them. This might be related to that?

    I’d bet it was. Are you still having any trouble with this, though? The stats seem okay currently.

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