Transferring Domains As Secondary

  • Hello and good morning.

    Today I am working on rearranging some of my domain ownership of multiple domains owned here on I am transferring several of them to sit as secondary redirects to my main domain for the purposes of saving some money on hosting plans for awhile, as I haven’t had time, or lost interest to work on some of these websites for quite some time.

    I do not want lose ownership of the domains, but because of lack of interest on some of these currently, it’s a waste of money for me if I’m not building these websites. Also, I’m getting ready to purchase a new domain for a new project I’m considering, so I feel for myself it is more beneficial to have some of my older domains redirect to my main website. These older domains are not getting much if any traffic, and if there are any links out on the web someone might click on for those old sites, they can just go to my main website where I have a notice about the redirect if they end up there.

    Prior I have set (via domain transfer under Domain Settings) as a secondary domain to, and is properly redirecting to as I intended.

    Today I did the same thing with my domain. I am noticing that is not redirecting to as I intended, but it does show as a secondary domain in my settings, and as of this post currently redirects to which was the originaly free blog I set up before I acquired the domain after upgrading to a paid plan previously.

    So finally getting to the question I need help with: Is there a possibly delay in the system, and I just need to wait for the domain settings to update in order to make the redirect happen that I am wanting? I don’t remember there being a delay when I set the other domain up this way. I know that sometimes when you purchase a new domain, it can take some time for it to set up.

    Thanks for your help.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Just coming back after a six hour wait and no answer. No biggie though. I know this forum is crazy busy.

    It appears I answered my own question. My domain is now redirecting to my as I wanted after giving it some time.

  • Hi,

    I’m also seeing redirect properly.

    DNS changes can take anywhere from 1-48 hours to propagate across the internet. So it’s natural for there to be a bit of a delay.

  • Also, heads up that as owner of a site with a Premium plan, you can always reach out to our livechat team here:

    In fact, could you do me a favor and try hitting the URL and seeing if you can access livechat properly? I’d like to test something and make sure that your account is properly able to connect.

    Just drop a line here if you are successful or not. Thanks!

  • Thank you. I was able to access the url ok and saw a form to fill out. I didn’t fill it out though. In the past I haven’t had trouble accessing chat if I wanted to do that. Thanks for your help.

  • Be sure to let us know if you need more help!

  • Thanks for the reply, good to know.

    And we’re always here to help in the forums if you don’t feel like using the livechat system.

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