Transferring domain name help

  • I purchased my domain name and would like to transfer it to a different web hosting service. They tell me I would need to point it at a their server as it currently is pointing at wordpress’ server. How might I go about getting this resolved?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    The link below has step by step instructions on how to transfer your domain name to a different registrar.

    Hope this helps !

  • @vijjisite
    P.S. Do not post again to thank me. I absolutely hate tailgating new volunteers and I do mean that when I say it.

  • @timetheif ..

    I see that made a mistake here by sharing a link to move domain registrar vs moving domain.
    Everyone makes mistakes and it is not a crime.

    Sorry about that. I just miss read what you needed. Hope you got the help you needed.

  • @vijjisite

    No making mistakes is not a crime. Consider this, please. Staff do NOT enter every thread on these support forums. They enter only threads we tag with modlook.

    If you make a mistake and we experienced Volunteers do not tailgate you into every thread you post into, discover the error and correct it then ask youself what happens to the thread with the incorrect answer and the blogger who still has the issue and now has an incorrect answer?

    The thread falls off the front page of the forum and may never be answered is the answer to that question.

    I multitask from business, have distractions to cope with when answering questions and I am visually challenged. The last thing I need to do is tailgate you and the other new Volunteers and Staff wannbes. However, I’ve been here for nearly 10 years answering questions and no one else seems to do this to prevent threads from falling through the cracks.

    My only other option is to do what’s been done in the past. Type wrong answer into the tags and modlook so Staff get to the thread after they work through their backlog.

    I don’t like that option because I strongly believe that every blogger who posts for help here to the peer support forums expects and deserves a correct answer to their questions right out of the gate.

    They are already frustrated and confused and do not deserve to have their threads fall off the front page and into the ozones, because they got an incorrect answer and no one was babysitting the new Volunteer or Staff wannbe that provided it.

  • P.S. What I posted above is not personal. In fact, I’m liking you more each day. That said I do hope that every new Volunteer and Staff wannbe reads what I said above and takes it to heart.

  • @timetheif ..

    I am not here to question your experience , and I am not here to question your good intentions in tailgating me or any other new volunteer. I already said once that I appreciate your contributions here .. Having said that, we are new here and are prone to make mistakes and last thing we need is someone using harsh and rude language. It is not very encouraging and lot of times, I restrain myself from helping, even when I am mostly sure that I can help.

    Every time, I answer a question I am subscribed to the thread and always try to follow up. And if anyone wants to follow up with an answer I am fine with that. When I say “thank you”, I am just being polite.
    No one posts a wrong answer knowing that it is wrong.
    I try my best not to be wrong or incomplete.

  • @vijjisite
    I am here to answer questions.
    I am not here to encourage anyone answer questions.
    I am not here to coach or mentor anyone.
    I was neither harsh nor rude.
    I was honest and forthcoming.

    I took the time away from my clients and customers to explain what happens when wrong answers are posted and threads fall through the cracks.

    We will no longer be having conversations like this one, as I ‘m not going to make corrections nor tag threads with incorrect answers for Staff. For here on out, I will choose to let threads fall where they may and try not to care.

  • @timethief ..

    I am sorry you feel this way. I respect what you do here a lot and it will stay the same. All I can say is, I do try to be careful but sometime make mistakes because of my own distractions. Take care.

    PS – I did not see this from you before my last post. I guess I need to refresh my screen more often.

    P.S. What I posted above is not personal. In fact, I’m liking you more each day. That said I do hope that every new Volunteer and Staff wannbe reads what I said above and takes it to heart.

  • @vijjisite
    Sigh … I’m going to drink a cup of tea while I straighten out an order at work that was incorrectly handled while I was answering questions here (no kidding) . :( Then I’m going to take walk down a long forest trail along a stream that goes right down to the ocean listening to this and singing it aloud. I will let the sound of the ocean waves clear my head for me. Who knows? I may even feel better about all of this when I return. P.S. Singing is my passion.

  • @timethief

    Enjoy your tea and walk :) Very nice song btw.
    Take care.

  • @vijjisite
    I like you even better today. :)

    I made a decision as I walked yesterday. I will make the time to follow ie. tailgate only 2 of the new Volunteers by doing my bookkeeping at night.

    So let’s start all over. I will try to help (mentor or coach) you and stop tailgating the others I’m currently tailgating.

  • great :) I glad you are feeling better about the whole thing :)

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