Transferring blog from paid hosted to free WP

  • I created a personal blog for a class I completed that is hosted by siteground and built in WordPress:

    Instead of paying to renew a year of hosting, can I transfer this blog to a free WP account? If so, what would I be losing? What are my options?

    Thanks in advance!

  • Hi Diane,

    You can migrate that site to a free site, yes. Log into your WP-Admin dashboard and go to Tools ->Export. That will give you either a .xml file or a .zip folder.

    Then go to your site, go to My Site ->Tools ->Import, and upload that file to migrate your site’s content over to us.

    If you follow this process, you’ll lose whatever theme and plugins you’re currently using on the other site – it will only transfer over your site content.

    If you want to keep using your theme and plugins, you’ll need to upgrade to our Business Plan. Then you can use the Jetpack plugin to migrate your entire site over to us as-is.

    You can find an overview of both processes here:

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