Transfering to

  • I wanted to ask for some additional information.

    thesacredpath did a wonderful job explaning how to transfer a blog to in this post:

    I have two additional questions:
    1. I used XML to transfer one blog to another in Interestly, the image links updated properly. When I do the same import to my blog the images URLs stay with Any way for the export/import to update the links to the location? Or, is it not possible because it is not a to export/import?

    2. In the post link above, the sacredpath recommends providing a posting indicating the new blog’s URL. I recently found this link to redirect using a domain “trick.” In the post it indicates that “ (as well as all of your permalinks)” will be redirected. Do you know what the will do in the blog to the image links that are pointing back to I’m assuming the images will be broken?

    Any advice is appreciated!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • When you use the wordpress importer on your other hosted blog, it gives you the option in the import process to download all the images during the import. If you didn’t check that off, it will just import the URL of the original image. You can try the import again with checking off that option without worry as it shouldn’t import the posts again.


  • Thanks, Trent

    I’ve had a horrible time getting the XML file to import. Support broke it into 3 separate files for me. In any case, many of the images are not importing. I get a “remote sever error” and the import moves on the next image. I didn’t seem to me that the URL changed even for those images that successfully imported?


  • The good thing about the images Bob is as long as you don’t delete your current blog here at, it will always serve up the old images in your new blog from here. Images are created not through the domain name, but rather your format. Worst of worse, if you really need them, you can always go through your media library for the important ones and upload them to your new blog as an option, though not favourable.


  • Thanks, Trent

    Will the image URLs update to my new blog if I can get the import to work properly? Or, is the designed behavior to server up the images from the blog?

    Also, is it possible to forward my existing blog to the new URL using the domain mapping upgrade discussed here:

    If I do this “trick” will the images serve-up properly from the old blog?

    Thanks, much!


  • Hmm….I just tested this again and it imported just the URL’s of the original image like you are reporting. It wasn’t always like that. It shouldn’t matter to you though Bob as just the images will be linked to your current blog even if you domain map to say as the viewer will still see the image regardless where the actual image resides. For example, I just put my flickr images into my blog and don’t upload them to the blog, even though it looks like they are hosted there.

    As long as you never delete your blog here at, it will always show the images correctly regardless of the end URL or domain mapped name you pick.


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