Transfer some JetPack stats

  • Is it possible to move & combine the JetPack stats for Aug, Sept and Oct 2010 from the JetPack stats to the WordPress.COM stats?

    When I moved to WordPress.COM I don’t think there was a way to transfer some stats to an existing site. Those are the only three months I would like moved, the numbers are very small but nice to add – I did go back and look at the older stats and the permalink stuff is messed up,but that does not matter,

    Thanks for any help

    Also any idea why there is a page view in Mar 2012 and Nov 2010 since the site and JetPack was not reachable?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hiya,

    We aren’t able to move selected stats from one site to another — it’s all or nothing, so I’d have to move all recorded stats from the Jetpack site over. Do you want me to go ahead and do that?

    I checked those other page views, and it looks like someone clicked through from a cached version of your site on the Internet Archive to your site, and it was counted as a view on the old Jetpack site. That’s likely because of how the site was cached in their archive.

  • Thanks for checking the strange traffic –

    I just looked at the stats and adding the old JetPack stats to my current site would be fine, the dozen or so strange numbers will not change things in the long run

    thanks for the help

  • Sure thing! I just added those Jetpack stats to your current site, so you’re all set there.

  • I had the stats page open and looked at things and was puzzled for a moment with the new numbers, then the my goodness what fast service

    thanks for the fast help

    have a nice week

  • You’re welcome — I happened to see your reply right after you left it. :) Have a great week!

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