Transfer Blog Ownership?

  • I am a website designer who recently transferred subject website to a client.

    The client got an email that the site was transferred to her, but how does the client know she is now the Owner, and not just her prior status as a site Admin when I was the Owner/Admin?

    Is there some special place on the Dashboard (say upper right Profile icon, or lower left Settings) that would indicate her change in status from just another site Admin, to now being both an Admin and the site Owner? It seems that the Profile icon just points to the current Account of whomever has a legitimate role on that site, and I do not see on other sites where i am the Owner where in Settings, for example, it makes clear that I am the owner!

    Thanks, Gary

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    Can you please let me know the website’s address so I can have a look?

    To properly transfer a site to another account you need to follow these instructions:

  • @fstat,

    Pardon me, I’ve been working on the following response which might be helpful.

    Hi Gary,

    how does the client know she is now the Owner

    That’s an interesting question. I don’t know if there is an easier or better way to determine whether one is the owner of a site, but the following are some ways I discovered while considering the problem:

    1. At My Site(s) > Manage > People > Team, if there is more than one Adminstrator listed, then the site owner will be the first or topmost in the list.

    2. At the WP-Admin Users page, (Admin toolbar > Users > All Users), if multiple Administrators are listed, then the site owner will be the first or topmost in the list.

    3. At the WP-Admin My Blogs page, only the owner of a site will see the option to transfer the site. The Start Blog Transfer section of the Transferring a Site to Another Account support page says:

    Open the My Blogs page. Move your mouse over the site you would like to transfer and click the Transfer Blog link that appears. You will only see the option to transfer a site if you own it.

    4. If there are posts or pages on the site, and one author, then the site owner will be the author. The author of posts, for example, may be found at My Site > Site > Posts. The author appears above the title of each post. In the WP-Admin dashboard, the author of posts may be found at Admin toolbar > Posts > All Posts.

    5. If there is a single author of posts on the site, then adding the extension “/author/username” to the site address will display the author archive page, which will display all posts published by the author. This will be the site owner if there is only one author of posts.


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