Traffic drop after domain redirect upgrade

  • My blog was lying dormant without hardly any updates from me for a couple years, and was still regularly getting 150 – 200+ hits of traffic a day. I recently paid for the domain redirect, exported everything to Blue Host, and started updating the content weekly, as well as adding in links from Social Networking sites. Mysteriously, my traffic has been plummeting. Yesterday I only got 25 visitors, which is the lowest number I have gotten in nearly 4 years, and which doesn’t make sense to me. My site is a food blog, so I normally get quite a bit of my traffic from recipe search engine searches…..does the redirect screw with that somehow?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • My stats have declined day by day for the past week (fluctuation isn’t unusual, this is), so there might be something amiss, as even posts that routinely generate a large part of my traffic are doing very little.

  • Thanks, Ron…I wonder what the problem is?

  • External sites don’t have the SEO-friendliness of sites. There are many, many reasons for this. The redirect shouldn’t screw that up, but what you’re seeing is pretty normal. I exported a blog and it went from 1100 hits a day to around 150.

  • @myhusbandhatesveggies
    I checked to make sure your feed is valid – it is.
    You don’t have that much indexed content.
    Your blog is indexed by Google (81 results).
    Your blog is indexed by Bing (49 results).

    I’m with raincoaster on this. Search engines bring in significant traffic. Your blog is no longer going to get traffic derived from and the global tag pages.

    Now you will find that you will need to promote every post you publish through Twitter and social networks. Actively seek backlinks and increase the number of blogs you visit and post comments on. Because unless or until there are lots of search queries for keywords your site ranks for you and it appears in the SERPs (search engine page results) you will not get much traffic from search engines.

  • DANG! I forgot a phrase above.

    Now you will find that you will need to publish more frequently and promote every post you publish through Twitter and social networks.

  • Thanks for the advice….I had incorrectly assumed that my search engine traffic would follow me with the redirect. It feels like this nearly 4 year old blog is brand new again!

  • The URLs will all seamlessly redirect but my blog experienced a significant drop in traffic that did not rise again for 6 months. It has never ever achieved as much traffic as a self-hosted install as it did when it was free hosted by wordpress.COM.

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