Traction theme movement

  • When the slider is activated on this premium theme, the site moves up and down on the original thread of posts. It is highlighted more on the mobile version.
    Is there a way to stabilize without having to disconnect the slider?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Can I please receive support on this question?

  • Have you posted to the premium themes forum? We Volunteers on these support forums don’t have access to premium themes and can’t help with them as we have never had hands-on experience with them. Read-access to the premium themes forum is now open to all users so you can search to see if your questions have been previously asked and answered there. The premium theme forums are at with separate sections for each theme.

    If you are not successful when searching there is a link for the specific Premium Theme support forum for your theme under Appearance -> Themes in your blog’s Dashboard, but do note that the premium theme must be active and you must be signed in as the user who purchased it in order to see it and post to it.

  • As it looks like you’re already getting help from the Traction developer over in the Traction forum, I’m closing this thread.

  • The topic ‘Traction theme movement’ is closed to new replies.