Traction Custom Logo/Header

  • Hi Guys,

    Have a question regarding adding a header to my Traction Theme website ( I’m aware it isn’t possible to add a custom header, but I believe it is possible to do it via a Header Logo image.

    I have tried to upload an image, but when I do it does not span the entire width of the page, only around 600Pixels (roughly the width of the main column).

    I have the upgrade, but I am a beginner when it comes to editing CSS. I have looked through the stylesheet and tried to change a few dimensions to allow it to span all the way across (around 920pixels?) but can’t work it out.

    Any advice would be great, thankyou.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I think I’ve resolved my own problem.

    When uploading an image into the media library, it was automatically saving it in medium (620px) format, as opposed to fullsize. I’ve changed that and it appears to work.

    If anyone has any extra suggestions then happy to hear them.


  • I checked out and the full width header image looks great.

    One update that might be cool would be to round the edges of the header image to match the other rounded corners in the Traction theme. To do it, find the “#title,div.logo img” section in your Appearance → Custom Design → CSS page and replace it with this:

    #title,div.logo img {
    	margin-top: 15px;
    	text-shadow:0 2px 0 #000;
    	border-radius: 6px;
  • Hey,

    Thanks for the tip, really appreciated. I’ll give it a try!


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