Toujour featured photos not appearing

  • HI!
    I am using the Toujour option for my blog

    and none of my featured photos are appearing in either the three featured posts, or my slideshow post, even though I loaded them with photos.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    none of my featured photos are appearing in either the three featured posts

    Do you mean on your three most recent posts? It looks as though you haven’t set featured images on any of the three latest posts.

    or my slideshow post

    Do you mean your featured content posts? There is a featured image displayed for each post in the featured content slideshow.

  • so, I figured out you have to add a featured photo on each blog post in order for it to appear on the featured content post.

    BUT I can’t figure out why the three most recent posts’ photos aren’t appearing. they’re set and ready.

  • Do they have featured images set?

  • It looks like you’ve added featured images to the three latest posts now, and they are displaying in a row on the posts page, above the other posts, when viewing the front page on my desktop.

  • Wait, ok. I think I figured out how to do this.

    so when I want to add a photo in the post, I need to choose one to feature.

    <My only issue is that then the photo is duplicated in before the post begins (where the feature photo appears) and in the post itself. how do I fix that?

  • On the Toujours theme, a featured image will not be drawn from the content of a post. It must be set as a featured image. To eliminate the duplication, AND display the featured image on the blog and archives pages, do not insert the image into the content of the post.

  • That’s what I was curious about.
    perfect. Thank you! ”

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