Top Posts Widget

  • Hi
    How can I get a “top posts for the week” widget like this one at with the number of views?

  • You have to create it yourself as a text widget.
    Please see this thread:

  • Thanks a lot.. got it on my blog now.. :)

  • I like the new top posts widget but wish they showed the number of views also. What do you people think?

  • That’s the point I have raised on ‘wp news’
    I pretty like to have numbers with post..

  • i’m not very impressed with the top post widgets wp has come out. it only shows the top posts for the past 2 days. i’m still sticking to my home-made widgets, i can put the top posts for the past month and i can insert page views or not as i want.

    wp should improve the widget to put top posts of all time, instead of just the past month as one can trace in their blog stats.

  • @sulz
    Matt is inviting feedback on the top posts widget here I looked through all the feedback there and did not see your’s there. I find it only here.
    As for my own opinions:
    I like the widget.
    I would like it to cover a 30 day period.
    I do not want it to include numbers.
    And I do not require it to reflect the top post(s) for all time as that’s already on my dashboard, and in my memory.

  • I’ve sent in a feedback asking for the top posts widget to reflect more than 2 days, as an option seven would make more sense to me. I don’t need top posts of all time, neither do I want numbers. These are already on my dashboard.

  • 30 would be the best !

  • how can one know their top posts of all time? the numbers vary because of the current top posts in the past 30 days, so what might be top now may not be top later. readers might be interested to know these as well. i would be if i’m visiting that blog for the first time.

  • I want the numbers for others to see and not for myself…obviously!

  • I’m sticking with my homemade one for now. Two days isn’t enough. (Heck, usually posts only 2 days old are still on my front page!)The widget should be configurable and absolutely should include top posts ever. Where on the Dashboard are you seeing Top Post ever, TT? I see Best Day Ever (without even a date) but not Top Post.

  • I recommend doing it yourself. No matter what Matt implements, it won’t please everyone.

    I have two posts that generate a HUGE amount of traffic, and any automatic widget would always list them on the sidebar. Gets boring after a while.

  • OOPS! Sorry to confuse you Vivian of course top post ever is not recorded on our dashboards in a separate category. What I meant is that on my blog dasboard I click the stats and I see the same post(s) day after day showing up as getting the most hits. That was what I was thinking of. Like engtech I have a couple of posts on my environmental blog that are always on the “top posts” list. And in my other blogging blog there’s also one that’s always in the “top posts” list … boring … yeah, to me too. I know the subject matter that’s most popular. The exact numbers and the days they ocurred aren’t at all important to me.

  • Well, with a political blog, the latest post is often the top post. The 30 day aggregation gives me some sense of how well a post does over that time frame but I can’t see how well it stacks up to other posts outside of that window. One of the latest things in political blogging is live blogs with elected officials and others. I have no way to compare one politician to another since I don’t have the stats.

    I have to admit that I’m even a bit suspicious of the best day ever stat because I was prety sure that the first live blog I did had higher stats than the second one (which is the one showing up as best day ever).

  • @eswartz1
    [content deleted – drmike]
    You have pronounced Disney cartoons as *crap* well, I’m here to tell you that I consider most of the so-called “top blogs” and “top posts” on my dashboard to be *crap* also.
    It seems that the *quality of the community* is important to you and you measure that *quality* in terms of blogs that generate high traffic statistics. Well, interestingly enough many bloggers have blogs with more than one blog host and measure “quality” in other ways. For example, did you know that some of the highest generators of statistics in the blogosphere today are porno and racist hate blogs? Think about that for a moment – what readers want is not necessarily quality measured in terms of being *healthy* or “edifying* or *uplifting* is it?
    For my own part I choose Disney cartoons over porno, racism and hatred any day of the week. Others feel quite differently and that’s their right.
    P.S. Vivian was looking for features that aren’t available here and I told her where to find them. drmike had nothing to do with this at all.

  • [A large bunch of posts have been deleted – drmike]

    Um, no.

    Matt has asked us not to discuss my WPMU site here in this forum and I agree with him that this is not the place for it. Some of you have already been warned about that in the past. This now makes a second warning. Please don’t do it again.

    But, for the record, the tag cloud has those posts in the lead simply because there’s over 800 of them on that site. As others post, the percentages and the order will change.

    Please note that any discussion of specific types of content will not be put up with in this forum either. What one person blogs about is their own business and to declair it ‘crap’ will not tolerated, just like I will not put up with any discussion of spelling issues. There are a wide range of views, cultures, and beliefes on this site.


    Got it? :)

    And, also for the record, I have nothign to do with Kim Possible. I’m just using screenshots of the show as a webcomic. If you don’t like it, there are millions of other blogs on the web.

    This is a support forum for Please remember that.

  • I am little confused about what the top posts widget represents. I have recently added this to my blog and am happy to have it highlight some posts that don’t necessarily show up on the “recent posts” widget. However, the list that shows up on my blog is not identical to either the top posts over the past 7 days OR the top posts over the past 30 days as reported on my dashboard.

    Some comments above suggest that the top posts widget represents top posts over the last 2 days or a week. Is that the case? If so, I wonder if it would be possible to modify this. In my case, I don’t blog that often, so a top posts widget that only represents the top posts over the past 2 or 7 days will not give viewers any new information, i.e., it will likely be identical to the “most recent posts” widget.

  • Greets:

    The Top Post widgets covers the views of your posts within the last 24-48 hour time period. If you click on the edit link within the widget, you’ll see it stated there.

    The daily list shows what has occured for that day. It gets zero’ed out at midnight UTC time. That’s why it’s different from what’s displayed within the widget.

    The time period is uneditable as we’re on a shared environment and changing it for you would mean it would be changed for everybody else.

    Hope this helps,

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