Top Posts & Pages Widget Problem With 640 x 427 Images

  • Hello,

    I would like to report a problem with the Top Posts & Pages Widget where the last two images that I have tried that were sized at 640 x 427 had a problem where the alignment of the images on this widget were messed up if an image sized at 640 x 427 was in the list:


    Dandy Mott Keeps Getting Away With Murder

    Images Tested:

    Images From:

    This alignment problem also happens when pages without an image are shown on this widget, it shows a small version of your Gravatar image that does not fit the size of the other images if no image is available on the page causing the alignment to mess up, and the same thing happens when linked/hot-linked Getty Images are added to a post/page using Zemanta because it shows a small version of your Gravatar image instead of the Getty Image that you linked/hot-linked through Zemanta on the post/page.

    Thank you,
    -John Jr

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi John Jr,

    Thanks for all of those details. I want to assure you that the original image’s size shouldn’t matter (whether it’s 640 x 427 or another image size) — the widget tries to resize each image so they all fit in a grid together. However, there’s an issue with some of the images that’s making it impossible for the widget to correctly resize them.

    If you take a look at your screenshot, you’ll notice that one of the images in the grid (in the top right) isn’t square. The widget tries to resize each image into a square, so something is going wrong with that image. I took a look at the image you added to that post, and here’s the image link I found:×01-promotional-picture-american-horror-story-37675245-2126-1417.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width/640?cb=20141025150925

    It looks like that bit at the end of the link, after .jpg, is making it so the widget can’t resize the image correctly: /revision/latest/scale-to-width/640?cb=20141025150925

    If you remove that from the image link in the post itself, that should resolve the problem so the widget is able to resize each image and create the grid with the correct layout. (It may take a little time after you make that change for the widget to get updated.) Please give that a try and let me know how it goes. :)

  • Hello Rachelmcr,

    Thank you :) , I am going to try those suggestions, and I will let you know if they work or not; but until then I still have questions about the rest of my report here involving the problems with posts/pages without images and hot-linked/linked Getty Images using Zemanta:

    This alignment problem also happens when posts/pages without an image are shown on this widget, it shows a small version of your Gravatar image that does not fit the size of the other images if no image is available on the post/page causing the alignment to mess up, and the same thing happens when linked/hot-linked Getty Images are added to a post/page using Zemanta because it shows a small version of your Gravatar image instead of the Getty Image that you linked/hot-linked through Zemanta on the post/page.

    Thank you,
    -John Jr

  • Hello Rachelmcr,

    I went to edit that image but there is nothing showing after .JPG for me:

    I went to the post and I clicked the image link and it says that image no longer exists (even though it still shows on my blog from that the original link), I went back to Wikia and I found a new version of the image (×01-promotional-picture-american-horror-story-37675245-2126-1417.jpg) I guess that had that extra text showing after the .JPG, but if you remove that text after it the image will change to 2,126px × 1,417px; and so what now? :D

    Thank you,
    -John Jr

  • Hi John Jr,

    Sorry, I got sucked in to the general alignment issue and didn’t address the other cases you mentioned. :)

    This alignment problem also happens when posts/pages without an image are shown on this widget, it shows a small version of your Gravatar image that does not fit the size of the other images if no image is available on the post/page causing the alignment to mess up

    I haven’t been able to reproduce the alignment issue with Gravatar images. Do you have an example or screenshot you can show me where that’s happening? (It’s also important to note that if there was an image in the grid like the one I mentioned earlier, that could throw off the grid for all the other images, including a Gravatar image. So the issue could be with a different image in the grid rather than the Gravatar.)

    the same thing happens when linked/hot-linked Getty Images are added to a post/page using Zemanta because it shows a small version of your Gravatar image instead of the Getty Image that you linked/hot-linked through Zemanta on the post/page.

    If you’re using an embed (for example, a Getty Image embed) that’s different from an image that’s added to the page. The widget can only detect regular images, not special embedded images. If you can link to a post where you saw that come up, I can confirm that for you.

  • I guess that had that extra text showing after the .JPG, but if you remove that text after it the image will change to 2,126px × 1,417px; and so what now?

    If the source image you’re adding to your post is larger than you’d like, I’d recommend saving it, resizing it, and uploading it directly to your media library. That’s the best way to have full control over how it’s displayed on your site. :)

  • Hello Rachelmcr,

    The problem is that the widget adds a small Gravatar image for posts/pages that do not have an image and those always mess up the alignment for me regardless of the other images in the grid (

    If you want to see this just view one of my Pages (because they have no images) and when that page or pages show up in the widget you will see the small Gravatar image that is added and the alignment problem.

    I have only tried Getty Images using Zemanta, I removed all Getty Images after noticing this problem, but you could use Zemanta and add a Getty Image with it to see what I am talking about. ;)

    I still would like to see this widget improved to better avoid alignment problems if possible since I almost never use the Media Library and I do not own most of the images that I link.

    Thank you,
    -John Jr

  • Thanks for that link and screenshot, John Jr. I didn’t catch that reported bug when I was investigating this earlier, but that clears up what’s going on. Our team hasn’t been able to fix the bug Jeremey reported for you earlier, so that’s still under investigation on our end.

    In the meantime, one thing that may help is to add a blavatar for your site. The widget will try to use your site’s blavatar before turning to a Gravatar image, so if you have one set for your site it will appear there (and should appear at the correct size) instead.

  • Hello Rachelmcr,

    You are welcome, okay, and thank you. :)

    I usually use a Blavatar but I have been uncertain about what image to use because I have been changing Gravatars a lot and I can almost never decide what image to choose, but I just set a Blavatar again; so thank you for reminding me and for the advice, and I am curious to see if this will work or not. ;)

    Thank you,
    -John Jr

  • Hello Rachelmcr,

    I forgot to let you know that the Blavatar idea did not work (I apologize for that), the image/blavatar/gravatar that shows in the widget is still too small and the alignment still messes up, it was worth a try though. ;)


    Maybe they will figure out how to fix this one day; maybe a mosaic(?) option could be added one day so that images of various sizes can be arranged together like a mosaic. :D

    There is a problem that happens with the Posts I Like Widget where sometimes there is a broken image icon that shows sometimes for certain posts:



    Identicons, MonsterID’s, and Wavatars! Oh my!

    Maybe instead of a broken image icon they could change this to show the generic WordPress Logo and/or something like that instead?

    Thank you,
    -John Jr

  • Hi John Jr,

    Maybe they will figure out how to fix this one day; maybe a mosaic(?) option could be added one day so that images of various sizes can be arranged together like a mosaic. :D

    Nice idea! I’ll pass that along as a suggestion.

    There is a problem that happens with the Posts I Like Widget where sometimes there is a broken image icon that shows sometimes for certain posts:

    That’s an odd one! I’ll let our team know about that broken image — it’d be better to fix the cause of the broken image than patch it up with a generic logo. :)

  • Hello Rachelmcr,

    Great, thank you. :)

    Okay, thank you, that would be better in this case ;) ; but maybe the patch idea could be considered for times when you have no way to contact the post owner to let them know about this so that they can fix the problem on their post and/or whatever causes this problem sometimes.

    One of the last times that this broken image problem happened was probably on a post on Brandon Kraft’s blog (, but I can not remember which post unfortunately; and it possibly happened when the image in his post became broken and/or he removed it and/or he replace it, but I am not sure; and this has happened on some other posts on other blogs before, but I can not remember which ones.

    Thank you,
    -John Jr

  • Hello Rachelmcr,

    The broken image icon problem for the Posts I Like Widget is also happening for posts that do not have an image it seems, I liked this post (, and it shows up as a broken image icon in the widget; and so maybe my logo idea could be used in situations like that.

    Thank you,
    -John Jr

  • Hello,

    I would like to report that the Posts I Like Widget is once again not showing Posts that I have Liked that do not have Images or Featured Images; and so once again this widget ignores/does not show most of the Posts that I normally Like just because they do not have Images/Featured Images it seems, which is a common problem with this widget that has been reported before in the past, and that usually causes me to remove this widget and keep trying it again in the future in hopes that this will be fixed one day because it is not useful to me if it is not showing half or most of the Posts that I Like.

    Thank you,
    -John Jr

  • Thanks John Jr! Reported. I’ll let you know what I find out!

  • You are welcome Jeremeylduvall, and thank you. :)

    -John Jr

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