Top posts and links clicked don’t match

  • Can someone clarify what the “Top Posts and Pages” stat indicates? Recently, I’ve seen links listed under “Clicks” that are in posts which do not appear in the “Top Posts…” stats list.

    So does “Top Posts” list ALL posts visited? If so, how would a visitor click a link on a post NOT visited??

    Help me, I am so confused.

  • I guess nobody knew. I’d like to know too.

  • If a visitor is just looking at your main blog page they can read posts, but the stats can’t tell which posts they are reading, so this just gets counted as a visitor but not in the stats for top posts/pages. That person could still click on a link within one of those posts (unless you’ve used a more tag). To count as a hit for top posts, the visitor needs to click directly to a post (perhaps to look at comments, to follow a more tag, or from an outside link that leads directly to a post).

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