TOP Blogs

  • How do you get into the TOP Blogs? Is that an automatic pick done by someone in wordpress? Or depends on how many number of hits you receive in your blog? Is it updated? I have checked some blogs out there on the list and wondered how they’d get there. Some of them is not even updated for a long period of time. Just noticed.

  • good question. i’m v. curious abt it myself.

  • It’s based on whether or not you are Robert Scoble ;)

  • sulz and wank – (1)I believe there was a forum thread about this last week that answered your questions. Perhaps you’d like to do a search for it.

    (2)IMO Robert Scoble excells at producing “content” as opposed re-hashed “filler” or “thriller” material. wank – you have a right to dissent with that opinion if you want. I’m just not sure how expressing that dissent amounts to offering support when I know you can use the search utility with a mastership that most of us bloggers lack.

    (3) Too bad FAQ isn’t in the number one spot, eh? (lol)

  • The FAQ was #2 last week :)

  • Thanks for the reply. I just realized, even on the TOP Posts list, few blogs has zero comments and it’s still on the TOP.

    Perhaps, personal blogs like mine will never get into the TOP stuff.

  • Whether or not your blog ever makes it to the Top doesn’t really matter. It’s a fine blog with a clean appearance, with interesting contents and it’s work safe so it has a broad appeal(I checked :D). Anyway you are pursuing your passion and having a good time doing it. That always leads to personal satisfaction, don’t you think?

    P.S. Congratulations on making the decision to quit smoking. I quit smoking this January. It was the hardest thing I have ever done in my whole life and I still have the craving. It took me 9 failed attempts before I succeeded on the 10th go round. Good on you!

    edit: Hey, everyone – let’s all make a huge effort to see to it the FAQ’s makes it to number one on the TOP blogs list.

  • I’ve noticed that page views seems to help get you on the list. :)

  • And it seems to be cumulative page views. My little blog has managed to make the Top 100 list several times recently :)

  • I will note that I have a blog that has been averaging 400 or so page views a day and it has only hit the top blogs list a couple of times.

    With 200k blogs here now, it’s going to be harder and harder to get on that list.

    Makes it real important to chose your language. :)

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