Too many testimonials! Motif

  • Hi all
    Hoping someone can wave their magic wand and help me set my front page back to 2 testimonials that randomly cycle through the 5 or 6 I have on hand.
    It all started up no problem when I set these, but now it’s switched to displaying all of them at once….can’t seem to shake it.
    Thanks in advance,

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    Hoping someone can wave their magic wand and help me set my front page back to 2 testimonials that randomly cycle through the 5 or 6 I have on hand.

    The Testimonials section of the Motif theme guide says:

    Motif features a dedicated testimonial archive page and displays two randomly-selected testimonials on the front page template.

    I was able to confirm on a test website that a page with the front page template assigned is no longer displaying only two randomly-selected testimonials. It displays every published testimonial.

    I don’t know if this is due to a bug, or whether the theme has been modified and the theme guide not yet updated. I’ll tag the topic for staff attention.

  • I forgot to include a link to the Motif theme guide.

  • Thanks for pointing this out! I’ve sent in a report and will let you know when that’s been corrected.

    In the meantime, you can work around this, if you’d like, by limiting the number of testimonials that display on an archive page. If you aren’t using a testimonials archive, this might be a good option for now. Here’s how:

    – Go to WP-Admin
    – Click on Settings > Writing
    – Look for the number of testimonials per page; change that to 2.

    I hope that helps!

  • Thanks Supernovia / Musicdoc1

    Hopefully the bug can get sorted out but for now the Settings/Writing adjustment seems to be working well :)


  • I am having the same issue. I have also done the Settings/Writing adjustment but have a testimonials page so won’t be a permanent fix.

  • You’re welcome, Simon.

  • @breedenman which site? Are you also using Motif? If so we’ll leave this as is; if it’s another theme, let me know and I’ll check.

  • Hi all,

    We’ve released a fix for the testimonial bug in both Motif and Sela. Let us know if you have any questions!

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