Too Many Problems Publishing Text and/or Pics – Please Resolve Once and for All!

  • I am sick to death of submitting repeated complaints regarding my inability to post text and/or upload photos, only to have nothing done to resolve the issues! Weeks ago I downloaded Google Chrome for exclusive use on this site, and I’ve been resizing photos, using a photo editing site, to an approximate size of 1000 x 600-700 whaddyacallits – in other words, I’ve been doing everything I can to facilitate posting of updates to my blog – AND have filed a number of complaints to Support regarding this problem, yet nobody on the WordPress Support Team seems to give a crap!! I’m very tired of the apathy on the part of WordPress Support regarding this. Please stop telling me it’s the fault of my browser and/or image size, and please do something about the issue!! I have a business to advertise and am totally fed up with WordPress!!!
    Blog url:

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Excuse me (!!), butI am keping comments on the topic at hand!! The feedback below is clearcut evidence that WordPress’ support staff just doesn’t care about resolving technical problems!!~! You’re completely misunderstanding what I’m saying – I know I’ve expressed myself clearly – and the lasty thing I need is this apathy when I have a business to advertise and blogging is an excellent way to advertise!

    In case you didn’t get what I said in yesterday’s post (it’s pretty obvious, in fact, that you didn’t get it!): on many occasions during the last 2-3 months, when I’ve tried publishing text and/or photos on my blog, they have failed to appear, which means there are technical problems on WordPress’ website!!! These problems need to be resolved so users can post. Is that clear???

  • when I have a business to advertise and blogging is an excellent way to advertise!

    I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. Businesses should be using self-hosted websites where they have better control over programs and security.

    This is a FREE hosted platform. You get what you get and if it doesn’t work the way you think it should, find another platform.

    As to your specific problem, many suggestions have been offered. The vast majority of posters have no problems at all posting images and text. Those that do have problems eventually realize the issue is with their system and not with WP. There are occasional glitches here, but they get addressed when discovered.

    Perhaps it’s time to hire a tech to come and look at your system?

  • Prepare to pay someone $60 an hour to deal with these issues. MINIMUM.

  • Since I’m the one that responded to your yesterday’s post, let me say that I looked at the previous discussions you started and you have received replies from both Staff and experienced forum volunteers, but for some reason when people suggest a course of action, it isn’t clear if you follow up on it.

    Unless you can give clear answers to the follow up questions we forum volunteers and Staff have posted in your discussions, it will be near to impossible to try and help you solve whatever problems you are having with the site.


    Best wishes to everyone,

  • If there is a site-wide problem that Staff is ignoring, these forums would be flooded with complaints. You might want to consider that this is not the case.

    Nevertheless, if that is your wish, then good luck and happy trails.

  • Listen, when I had complained on this Forum about the issue a while back, I was advised to do two things that would correct the problem: 1) Resize my photos, which I’ve invariably done since then, and 2) Use a different browser (I normally use IE8, but in repsonse to the suggestion I downloaded Google Chrome and have used it for my blog ever since). So please don’t tell me I haven’t followed the suggestions.

    I apologize for clearly coming across in many posts as the Wicked Witch of the Southeast, but the repeated problems made me angry and frustrated to that point. This is the only website I’ve used ever since I started the Internet in 1999 that I’ve anywhere NEAR this much trouble with, and when it’s come to problems with other sites, my contacts with Tech Support have invariably resulted in resolution of the issue. In contrast, my experiences with WordPress over the past 2-3 months have been absolutely horrible, creating mounting aggravation and frustration on my part.

    I’ve been told by a few expetrienced bloggers that there’s another site I should by all means transfer my blog to. I will do exactly that this afternoon.

    Thanks. Have a wonderful day!

  • Have yu officially written off all the millions of users who have XP and are using IE8 as everyday less and less of wordpress works for us/ Isn’t there some effficient way of notifying people when you make changes or delete services to your customers.

    We aren’t all techies, but most of us can read.

  • @bloomingtailsdogduds


    I’m sick of hearing this bitching and whining. There is no basis in logic for it. Wake up and smell the coffee.

    Microsot will no longer be supporting their IE8 after November 15, 2012. fter this date, users accessing Google Apps services using Internet Explorer 8 will see a message recommending that they upgrade their browser.

    Windows XP faces its own end-of-life cutoff; Microsoft will serve users with that operating system’s final security update in April 2014.

    I’m on an old PC running windows XP but you don’t witness me bitching, whining and finger pointing at – quite the opposite. I got the message way back when IE6 was introduced and I switched to Firefox.

    I currently use Firefox 15.01. and Chrome 22 browsers and I don’t have any of these issues at all.

  • Thanks so much for the heads-up regarding IE8.

    Well, I had problems galore with WordPress, so I’ll no longer use it.

  • @bloomingtailsdogduds
    You’re welcome.

    Well, I had problems galore with WordPress, so I’ll no longer use it.

    I can help with that. Provided you are logged in under the username account that registered the blog you can delete it by using these instructions.
    Please note that deleted blog URLs are not recycled.

    Although username accounts are not deleted at please note the following:

    1. You can go to My Account->Edit Profile and remove all data except the account name and an email address. Create a throwaway email address and change the account email to that throwaway address. This only leaves the username behind.

    2. To unsubscribe from email sent to you from, go here and click on “Block all subscription emails from”:!/following/subsettings/

    3. To ensure the account is locked up tightly, visit this site, generate a password of 15-20 characters, and change the account password to it:

    4. While you cannot completely delete your Gravatar profile, you can remove all of your profile information easily through the “Edit My Profile” page here:

    You can also hide your Gravatar profile from external access. Visit your profile page (click your name in the top navigation of the website), then click the “Hide My Profile” link in the bottom, right-hand corner.

  • Twice just now I clicked on the “unsubscribe” link and ended up seeing a message saying, “Attempt failed.” Is there another way I can unsubscribe?

    Once I copy & paste my blog onto the one I’ll transfer it to, I’ll be totally done with WordPress, thank goodness. I can’t believe how it worked flawlessly my first two months on the blog, and then all of a sudden it went to pot. Enough was enough.

    There’s no need for any of you to post any more replies to what I’ve said here.

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