Tons of hits from spam domain?

  • timethief: I just think it’s not very appropriate to infer someone asking an honest question is not bright simply because they’ve not run across your 3-step method. From the response I got from staff, it appears that discussing this topic here causes no harm at all.

    It sounds like you’re a volunteer for WordPress. That is great, and thank you for your efforts, just don’t discourage open conversation in forums. Sounding judgemental of others only backfires on your efforts. Just a suggestion.

  • I’ve been having the same problem since yesterday, too. It didn’t immediately start to happen after I posted a post, though.

    Do you think WordPress adjust the stats for the days that this is affecting?

  • Oh, I’ve also just checked – this site is also starting today to bring lots of unusual traffic to my site.

  • Sorry to hear you are all having similar problems; timethief, thanks for posting the WP response. Tommcqueen, I did a pretty basic search, but couldn’t find anything similar on the support forums. I didn’t know about the rules you listed, but will follow them in the future. Thanks to all. Hope this crap gets fixed soon, but in the meantime, I’m feeling pretty rockstarish.

  • Thanks tommcqueen for getting a response and making it available to us. A lot more useful than just posting the proceedure for reporting spam..

  • I wouldn’t have known how bad a problem this was if the original poster hadn’t included the URL. By the way last night three other “info” referrers showed up. This morning though it I’m not getting the hits. I am deleting my cookies to be safe, especially since the Amazon site I was sent to had my name on it.

  • I believe the problem dates back to approximately 5 months ago as I can locate threads in the searchbox that date back that far.

  • Mine started yesterday too. It sounds like the same people as crelacion is getting. I have 3 different referrers but the end of each web address is the same, so I assume that it is the same people/person. I reported it to support and got the same response as tommcqueen.

  • Folks.

    Great thread. Glad I’m not suffering alone.

    As an aside – when I look at my all-time Stats I notice that I’ve had seven hits to a post called “70”.
    I’ve never posted such a blog. How is this possible? I suspected that it might be a plant by one of the spammers, a springboard in, if you like. But reading the above, especially tommcqueen’s comments (thanks Tom) I think I must be mistaken.

    Anyone else have a mystery “70” page in their stats?

  • Hello,

    Just to express my concern, I’m also witnessing the same phenomenon. As the OP describes, my blog is repeatedly being accessed from the * domain. This is pretty creepy to say the least. I have already submitted a report to the WordPress support as suggested by timethief. I shall follow this thread until this gets solved.

  • Thank you wordsmiff for starting this thread. It resulted in the exact information I was looking for, and your posting the link is how I found it.

    Timethief, grow some manners. Name-calling (“not that bright”) is only acceptable for toddlers, and if then it is questionable.

  • All referrals to my blog from these sites have stopped. Maybe WordPress specifically blocks them to my site because I wrote in. If they’re still happening to you, and if you haven’t written them at the link supplied by timethief, then visit which she supplied, tell them the site referrals, and in case it saves them time, mention you don’t need a reply unless they have new, problem info to provide you.

    ibc4, I was curious about your #70 issue. My assumption was you began typing an entry, but with no title in place. When I do that, a link with a number is created where the title would normally be. To create a link using the title, I need to update the link after I choose the title. I thought this might be the problem, but you have no page link “”. My next guess is one of these referring bots erred and is trying to access an entry you didn’t create. That would be no problem for you.

    Good luck to everyone, and have a great weekend.

  • We only need to know about this once. You can stop sending in notices about this domain now. :)

    This was a new spam vector and we needed to close it off.

  • @Markel & wordsmiff
    Thank you for the update on this referrer spam issue. It was my sincere belief that discussing this on the forum did not sound like a bright thing to do, and I expressed that opinion in my first comment to the thread.

    In the event that wordsmith (the original OP) took my expression of an opinion to be anything other than the expression of an opinion, then I apologize to him or her as the case may be.

  • I just wanted to say thank you, wordpress staff. I had a number of spam referrers and was going to report them when I checked my stats and saw that they had already been taken down. It’s wonderful to see the results of your efforts!

  • @Markel and the other wp staff. Thank you :)

  • 11 hits from the same site: [spam link removed]

  • @dizzymeagan

    Staff has requested:
    1. Do not click the links.
    2. Do not post the URL or names of the site into forum threads.
    3. Report all spam referrals to Staff directly .


  • I think you are going to need to scream it TT.
    Personally all the bs referrals have stopped for me and I haven’t had to report it to staff, just saw that they obviously knew it was happening from all of the reports on here and how many times the volunteers have had to post the same thing. So I’m assuming they are working on it so patience you all, they’re gonna solve the issue. This isn’t the first time it’s happened and most likely won’t be the last.

  • I have big hits on both my blogs from said link, in the last couple of days, however they are beginning with all different names but ending in the same url..

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