To move stats and subscribers from my self-hosted site to a site

  • Hi,
    I need to move stats and subscribers from my Jetpack-powered self-hosted site to a site..

    Kindly help me to get this done!!

    Jetpack-powered self-hosted site : site :

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey there,

    While it is not possible to import Stats, since this information is based on traffic measurements, we can certainly import your subscribers.

    To import your subscriber list, visit Users > Subscribers. Then click the + Add subscribers, here you can manually add multiple subscribers or upload a CSV file. We also have a great help document outlining this process here:

    Import Subscribers
    3 min read
    Use the subscriber importer to quickly import your email subscribers from another platform. This guide will show you how to import a CSV file of your subscribers so that they’ll be notified each time you publish a post on Before you Import Please ensure that you have permission to email your subscribers. If we receive complaints from your subscribers about spam, or if your e

    Hope this helps!

  • Hi,

    I had already gone though the documentation, And i tried to import my email subscribers from a csv file to my site.

    And I got this email,

    ” The list of subscribers you added to your site seems to have triggered our security filters. Sorry for the hassle! It’s nothing to worry about, and our Support team is on hand to help get you back on track. Drop us a line, and we’ll help you to get this resolved as quickly as possible.”

    Further i have gone through the support guide to troubleshoot importing subscribers also. But still I’m not able to understand what might have caused the problem

    Please help me rectify this..



  • Hey Akhila,

    First, I would like to apologize as I was incorrect about importing stats! If you are using Jetpack Stats on your existing site, we can import stats on your behalf. Please share the site you wish to import stats from and I will be happy to assist with this. 😄

    As for importing your subscriber list, we regularly check large subscriber imports to ensure the imports are not related to spam. If bad actors upload emails that those users did not opt into and then use our services to send spam, it will impact our ability to successfully deliver legitimate emails. To prevent this, we will sometimes request additional information from users uploading subscriber lists just to ensure the subscribers are legitimate. This does not mean that we think that your list is spam, just that we want to make sure our platform is not abused in order to protect the deliverability of legitimate emails.

    Please click the “Drop us a line” link in the email received to reach out to us and provide the requested information so we can verify your subscriber list and help you get set up!

    Hope this helps!

  • Hi,

    Thank you for replying!

    The statistics I want is,

    from to

    Drop us a line link in the email take me to the support page only , from there only, I actually reached this forum page (and mistakenly two topics created in the almost similar lines) . Now what am I supposed to do to import my subscribers ..?

    Like statistics, I want my subscribers from to be taken to

    There are some 3.6K subscribers

  • Thanks @wordsandnotion. I was hoping that special contact link would include more info about your case, but we’re not seeing that.

    We’ve got your stats set. We’ll see what we can find out about the subscriber situation, and update you here. Cheers!

  • Thanks

    But the statistics are still showing as some 85,115 hits in blog, while in it was 122,263 hits.

    Awaiting your update regarding both subscribers and statistics cases.



  • Hi there,

    I may not be understanding since we don’t use the word “hits” to describe visitor stats. Can you point out what you are referring to? What page are you seeing the 85,000 figure on? Can you share a link so we can take a closer look?

    Also where are you seeing the 122,000 figure? Can you share a link to that page so we can take a look and compare directly as well?

    Thanks for the additional info!

  • @wordsandnotion, following up on the subscriber issue: it looks like that happens when there are invalid email addresses in the list.

    This tip from MailPoet can help you get the list cleaned up, then you should be able to import the subscribers.

    And do let us know more about what you’re seeing with the stats. Thanks!

  • Thanks. I will look into that .. I will get back if I’m still facing any issues

  • The hit count was taken with the inbuilt widget used in both as well as

    Well, is not currently available (due to some hosting problems). So I can’t get any further details.

    Anyways, it is okay. I believe, you have imported the statistics from the self hosted blog to blog.

  • I have tried to import a few valid mail IDs, but still I’m getting the same “We’ve hit a small snag importing your subscribers” message.

    And interestingly, when I tried to remove a few existing subscribers and then add them again, it worked!

    I don’t understand what is blocking there while adding new valid mail IDs. In fact i tried with my own mail id too. But it didn’t get added.

  • If you’d like to share a few of those emails we’re happy to spot-check them. Our forums software hides email addresses from the public so if you add them here only staff will be able to see them.

    Thanks for the additional info!

  • Yesterday I got an email from wordpress, titled “We had some trouble importing your subscribers” . I have replied in detail to that mail. Could you please check it..?

    Also I don’t feel it comfortable to share the email ids in a public platform :(

  • I can confirm that I see your reply to our subscriber import email, and another member of staff has replied to you by this point. Since you prefer not to share more info in public (and it’s difficult to troubleshoot further) you are welcome to keep the conversation going over email instead.


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