Title in posts don't allow Entity like & n b s p; and are shown as plain text !

  • Since yesterday when I save my entity are visible and shown as text ?
    Why ?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    You shouldn’t be using HTML entities, nor any HTML at all, in post, page or site titles. Those are designed to be plaintext-only fields, and any formatting or styling applied to them should be done using CSS.

    Titles are intended to just contain a short headline describing what the post is about, with all details appearing in the post content itself, and a non-breaking space not working in a post title is not a bug. If that was working before, that would have been a bug.

  • Hi,

    yes, maybe WP was not designed that way,

    but before,
    I was able to use & nbps; or [U-00A0],
    to better render the title, since we can’t use < br >.

    This change is very annoying pro me.

    May be you should allow better edit in title of post, page and web-site header,
    to avoid use of entity or special‑characters.

    Thank you pro your response and help.
    Good continuation and have a long & happy life.

  • Hi,
    I wanted to show the problem.
    But I was very busy by exams at my web‑dev school,
    here is the screenshot.

    Tʰank you.
    Jood day.

  • Thank you for the screen shot, though I can see the issue on your site so that wasn’t really necessary.

    But as I said above, this isn’t a bug. The site title field is not supposed to contain HTML content, only plain text.

    Is there a specific reason why you use the site title in this way? It makes your site very difficult to use, and it is very bad for your SEO to use titles like that, so I’d like to understand what you’re trying to achieve with this.

  • Those who added this behaviour, are quite wrong,
    it’s only annoying and useless.

    Thank you, anyway pro your explanation.

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