Title colors

  • Hello,
    how can I change the color of the titles in the homepage, specially the ones that are in front of background images.

    thank you very much

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    A lot of themes have the ability to change colours without the need for CSS, which can be ideal, but not if you’re looking to just change a specific line.

    As you’ve not specified which colour you’d like it to be changed to, I’m going to use the colour red as an example. Feel free to update the HEX code to whatever you prefer.

    For the bit which currently reads “EAS Design” on the top left of the page, next to the logo:

    #header h1 a, #header h1 a:hover, #header h3 a, #header h3 a:hover {
    color: #ff0000;

    For the bit that reads “EAS Design”, in the centre of the page, above the tagline:

    #home-banner #banner-text .main h2 {
    color: #ff0000;

    This is for the bit which reads “soluções em design e ilustração”, but I should warn you that recreating the fade is a bit tricker to do without knowing the specific colour you’d like, because that doesn’t use a HEX code. You could just use a HEX code if you wished though.

    #home-banner #banner-text .secondary {
    color: rgba(193,66,66,.5);

    Also, your art is really pretty!

    That should hopefully work for you once you adjust the colours, but let me know if it doesn’t. :)

  • thank you very much! very helpful!

    thank you for the compliment about my art too.

    how can I change the color of the footer?

  • Sure thing, just to confirm, where do you want to make a change to the footer? Is it the “Entre em contato” line, or something below that? Are you trying to change the background colour or the font colour of the text? :)

  • I want to know how to change both: background and font colour
    and I want to change ´entre em contato´ line and below too

    thank you again

  • Hello

    To change the font-color please add the below code in your custom CSS:

    .home-section .section-head h3 {
    color: #4b2759 !important;

    and to change the background of that section add the below CSS code:

    background-color:#f00 !important;
    background-image: none;

    You can change the color code as per of your liking
    Let us know if it helps


  • Thank you very much.
    How to change the footer (the white part)?

  • Please try the following CSS (I’m using red as an example):

    #footer {
    background-color: #ff0000;

    Let me know if that works for you. :)

  • I should probably note that if you’re going to change the background colour, some of the text might become unreadable. In order to fix that, you can use the following CSS to change the colour of the text:

    #footer {
    color: #ffff00;

    And for the links, such as the social buttons:

    #footer a {
    color: #ffff00;

    But you’ll only need to resort to that if the text is unreadable once you change the colour of the background. :)

  • Thanks for all your help here, folks. This was tagged for staff support but it looks like you’ve already got it taken care of.

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