
  • I made a title for the blog and tagline, The meta tags checker showed me that the tag line will be the description for the search engines but, When Google indexed the website, The description was as in the photo. Photo

    Note that my blog is Arabic and I do not know if Google can get the description from the Arabic About which will be “معلومات عنا”.

    I’m sorry for asking here but, The Arabic forum is likely DEAD :(

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Creating duplicate threads is not in your best interest. Go back to https://en.forums.wordpress.com/topic/more-1?replies=4#post-1649442 which is tagged for Staff.

    Staff work through all forum threads tagged for their attention and through all email support tickets in order of datestamps and timestamps – first posted first served, as would be expected.

    When bloggers keep bumping any thread or emailing more than once thinking they are going to get service from Staff more quickly they aren’t thinking straight because that moves the timestamps forward and it takes longer to get help.

  • I’m really sorry but, I thought that no one will see my question because It went really down in the posts freshness, Sorry again :(

  • No problem because I won’t tag this thread for Staff and the other one is already in the queue.

  • The topic ‘Title’ is closed to new replies.