Tiled gallery – change photo order by drag and drop

  • Help please, I’m going crazy…

    I need to rearrange the order of pictures in my project galleries (eg. https://lilisomogyimakeup.com/portfolio/menyasszonyi-sminkek/) but I just don’t have the patience to rearrange with the little arrows that come up when I click on the images. I remember that there was a version of media editor where it was possible to drag and drop images to create the preferred order, but I cannot find it for the life of me… All I see is is this version of the media library:

    I somehow need to get here:

    But I have no idea how, or how I got here previously (I edit my website maybe once or twice a year). Please help me. I’m not able to use plugins, as I don’t have a Business plan.

    Thank you!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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