Thumbnail images suddenly stopped being displayed.

  • I’ve been using the (exford) theme for two of my websites for the past few years and have had no major complaints or issues.

    However, sometime in the past few days, the thumbnail images on my blog-posts stopped being displayed. The images are still in my media-folders and also display correctly in the editor, they just no longer show up on the public page(s).

    Likewise, my (menu/navigation) button has also suddenly stopped working. I have not made any changes, edits nor updates in the past two weeks and only realized that things stopped working earlier today.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I’m using the Morden Theme and having the exact same issue with my blog post thumbnails suddenly disappearing today. Like you, I made no changes. The images still show up fine in the editor, just not in the published version. Doesn’t work on desktop or on mobile, whether I’m logged in or not.

    The blog site I need help with is:

  • Okay hongtsui, I found the solution. It’s buried on the 3rd page now:

  • Hi there @herpsecology, I’m not sure if that was the thread you meant to link to as there is only the one page. Regardless, checking the “Featured Image> Display on Pages” in the Content Options setting in the Customizer should (for now) bring back Post Images that were displaying on Pages. Things seem to be in flux. The issue is a known one and hopefully the devs will get this straightened out soon.

    @hongtsui I’m using Firefox on a Windows PC and see that the hamburger menu on the top right your site doesn’t expand for me. Testing again in MSEdge latest ends the same result, the menu does not expand. I’ve gone ahead and flagged your thread for Staff assistance.

  • “checking the “Featured Image> Display on Pages” in the Content Options setting in the Customizer”

    Thanks! I had the same problem and taht worked for me.

  • Hello @herpsecology
    The [Customizer > Content Options > Display on Pages] works! Thank you so much!

  • Hello @vths
    Got it working! Thank you!

  • Hello @justjennifer
    I managed to get the (feature images showing again on the pages). ☺️
    Unfortunately you are right about the (menu button), it still doesn’t seem to work like before. Thank you for helping me flag the issue. ☺️

  • Staff-I’ve readded the MODLOOK tag here because the issue with the menu button on @hongtsui’s site still remains. The hamburger menu doesn’t expand on click regardless of browser used. Thanks.

  • Hey @hongtsui,

    Happy to help you with this.

    I’ve taken a look at your set up there, and it looks like you’re using Full Site Editing techniques, with a theme that’s not meant for Full Site Editing.

    For example, I can see a header template part, inside of the pages themselves. Ideally, this would be better if there were in a template part, inside of a theme that uses Full Site Editing.

    Before I recommend changing to a more suitable theme – can you tell me more of the plans for your site and what it’s for please? Having this information would help with making sure your set up is correct and what steps would be required for a change.

    Additionally, are you looking to model the site over something you’ve seen design wise?

    Many thanks! Looking forward to hearing from you.

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