Thumbnail and Photograph in Media Library

  • Normally I don’t use the Media Library, preferring instead to embed my photographs from Flickr. But with all the rumpours about the proposed purchase of Yahoo (Flickr) by Verizon I though I’d better check out a contingency just in case

    I use Windows Live Writer to write my blog. So instead of embedding from Flickr I used photographs straight off my hard drive which are uploaded to the Media Library when I post the draft to my blog from WLW.

    Now here’s the thing. I checked the Media Library and found two copies of each of my photographs. Both seem to be the same size in dimensions but the file size in kilobytes is different. Also one has an addition to the name (_thumb)

    File name: onion-towers_thumb.jpg
    File type: image/jpeg
    Uploaded on: January 21, 2017
    File size: 84 KB
    Dimensions: 830 × 463

    File name: onion-towers.jpg
    File type: image/jpeg
    Uploaded on: January 21, 2017
    File size: 71 KB
    Dimensions: 830 × 467

    So I have a few questions.

    What is the purpose of the _thumb file?
    Why is it created?
    Is it using any of the 3Gb allowance for Media?
    If it is, can it be deleted?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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