Three problems with my opening screen

  • Problem 1 — When I log in to my site, at the top left of the opening screen, and just below my site information Citizen Action Monitor, is a box reading:
    “Free domain with an annual plan Upgrade” . When I click on “”Upgrade”, I am presented with information on four plans.
    I don’t want to Upgrade, and never signalled any interest in an Upgrade. Moreover, I can’t delete this message box.
    So, why is it there and how can I get rid of it PERMANENTLY?

    Problem 2 — The Upgrade box, mentioned in Problem 1, appears to be located right where my “Dashboard” header would be. How do I regain access to my “Dashboard”?

    Problem 3 — In the top right of the opening screen is a box with this message:
    “Your cart is waiting payment. View your cart”.
    When I view the cart, I am presented with a “Checkout” window. At the top is this label: “Your Order”
    Below that is this order information:
    “ Business C$396
    Plan subscription: C$396 per year
    Below that are 3 options:
    One month C$45
    One year Save 27% C$540 C$396
    Two years Save 38% C$1,080 C$672
    Have a coupon? Add a coupon code
    Save Order”
    Also included on the form is a list of 7 items included with my purchase
    At the bottom of the form are two more instructions
    “1 Enter your billing information
    2 Pick a payment method”
    Why does this “Your cart is waiting payment” always appear? I have never issued any “Order”. More to the point, how do I get rid of this PERMANENTLY?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    I don’t want to Upgrade, and never signalled any interest in an Upgrade. Moreover, I can’t delete this message box.
    So, why is it there and how can I get rid of it PERMANENTLY?

    It is not possible to hide this marketing message, which is shown to all free site holders on our service.

    The Upgrade box, mentioned in Problem 1, appears to be located right where my “Dashboard” header would be. How do I regain access to my “Dashboard”?

    I’m not exactly sure what you mean by “dashboard” exactly. Are you referring to the wp-admin management pages? If so, please set your account to “Show advanced dashboard pages” here:

    Just click the option shown in my screenshot here:

    Once you have turned on that option, any of the links you click on the left in the admin pages will load a ‘wp-admin” version of the page if one is available. For example if you click on the link for “all posts” you will see the wp-admin version of the post list.

    Why does this “Your cart is waiting payment” always appear? I have never issued any “Order”. More to the point, how do I get rid of this PERMANENTLY?

    Possibly you clicked on one of the upgrades without realizing, which has added it to your cart. I have removed all items from the cart on our end, and you will no longer see the message “Your cart is awaiting payment”

    Hope that helps. Please let us know if you have any more questions.

  • Hi Jerry — Thanks for your help and sorry for the delay in responding. I’ll begin with some good news – I just got a copy of EasyWPGuide_WP57 and I have already learned that I have been logging in to WordPress with the wrong URL which was taking me to an opening page that prompted me to ask my three questions.

    I just used the login URL given on page 13 of the WPGuide and Voila, my site opened with the Dashboard and no Upgrade ad.

    The Dashboard gives me immediate access to “At a Glance”; “Quick Draft”; “WordPress Events and News”; “Your Stuff”; “Stats”; “Most Active the Past Day”; “What’s Hot”; — and in the left column, all the familiar menu options beginning with My Home and ending with Settings.

    I think this single change may go a long way to resolve my three problems and many other issues that have been driving me crazy the past few months.

    I’m so happy I could spit.

    So, I’m anxious to taking the Dashboard interface for a spin and using the new Guide to help me solve any future issues.

    But I do have a two-part question you may be able to help me with: If I upgraded to a low end plan that gave me my own domain name, (1) would my current subscribers to my blog also be automatically upgraded to my new URL; and (2) if I later decided to return to my free version, would my subscribers also be automatically be re-subscribed to my old URL?

    Thanks again for your help Jerry, including cancelling that Cart-Waiting matter.

  • 1 and 2. Yes, the domain is simply added to the site, everything else remains the same. :)

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