three columns

  • I would really appreciate if someone could help me make three columns on my homepage instead of two columns. the site in question is I want to get rid of some of the white space to the left and create 3 columns of links instead of two. thank you!!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey galvarez01,

    Welcome to the forums :)

    Did you want to have the images for each of your blog posts fill in space under the menu?

    If so, it looks like your theme is already styled to handle that, it’s just a matter of adding in extra content!

    If you check out the demo for the Gema theme, you can see that once more content is added, it wraps under the left side menu in desktop view:

    If it’s something else you’re trying to achieve, let me know and I’ll try to help :)


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